Max's gallery

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Post Tue May 02, 2017 11:10 am

Max's gallery

Mesmerising beauty!

Verve helped me to create this beautiful masterpiece. c:!
Mesmerising beauty!
Portrait-Girl-f1.jpg (164.57 KiB) Viewed 16128 times
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Post Thu May 04, 2017 12:53 pm

Re: Max's gallery

WOW. Really great result with no doubt!! c:! :rock:
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Post Fri May 05, 2017 9:02 am

Re: Max's gallery

Congratulations on such a great result, Max! And Welcome to the forum! :beer:
You've chosen really strong colors, giving it almost a pop art like touch. Her ears are a little bit alarming in size, hehe, but I imagine this is part of the mesmerizing effect she has! :D
I do really dig what the painting feels like, too. It's almost acrylic in a way.

Anyway, great job and I'm glad you came to share it and hopefully much more, too! I also hope, you'll find your post again?! :? :geek:
Here to help! :D
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Post Fri May 05, 2017 5:38 pm

Re: Max's gallery

Well done c:!
my system: intel7 - 2600k, gtx 970, dualboot windows 7 64 bit / ubuntu 14.04 lts
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my youtube channel: zeropainter - ok, there are only 2-3 very short videos
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Post Tue May 16, 2017 3:38 am

Re: Max's gallery

lovely one
u caught the expression very well, c:!
did you tried fliping it horizontally?

wellcome to the forum :ob
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-LSH color pallete
-Brightness Knob
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Post Wed May 17, 2017 5:12 pm

Re: Max's gallery

Lovely colors, Max.
Most charming.
As tarin mentioned, size of ear could be reduced. I see also level of eyes are very different. Left eye from viewing direction is much higher.
If I cover left or right side, both are working. Me, I would prefer hight of left side.
As Eduardo mentioned, flipping, mirroing helps a lot in finding correct proportions.
It's very surprising sometimes.
And tough.
But doing this on early stage can help a lot.
Anyway, there is a warp / liquify function in verve, that can help you to fix it even in this final stage.
Check download, help section for warp and you should find some hints.
I haven't done so much in verve last month, so I can't explain out of memory. Sorry

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