Exactly what I felt : it was supposed to be a woman but couldn't get the shape that I would have done easy on paper. Rhaaaaaaaaaaa ! So frustrating !
Honnestly I really really can't explain what makes a software confortable for drawing. I can just say that its very different for each person. I know many artists feeling very confortable with photoshop, while I never managed. On the contrary, lot of them can't draw with Manga Studio, whereas its the best for me. I made my whole last comic on it : (
But off course MangaStudio is not a tool for painting and I think it will never try to become.
Painter is some compromise but I never felt confortable on it, too complex I'd say. Precisely because it wants to handle all the artistic parts. Big mistake, if you ask me.
Wanting to have an app so good for painting like Verve, and at the same time good enough for drawing seems to me like trying to square the circle. My opinion is you should focus on what Verve is the best for. And not only the best, the one and only ! Whatever tool you will provide for drawing, most of us will always stay on the app we are used to, because a lot of them are good for that. Simple. But, hey, none is such a great experience when dealing with matter and fluids !
My fear is, how to say... if you don't let people use there favorite tool in addition to Verve, they will feel too much frustration and get back to their habits, eventually.
I hope you will provide sketching tools, good enough to suit many artists but I know that I won't use it. Because for that matter I found the good one, as far as I am concerned.
Come on,

give us the import feature, please please please.
I know what you think

You believe that if people can do too much parts of the image on another software before using Verve, then they will never take time to test all the things they could have done directly in Verve. And that can be true. But, on the other hand, if we can't use what makes us feel confortable for the parts that don't need Verve, before testing Verve for the things we are ready to experiment, then it will represent too much effort for a simple test. My feeling.
Off course all those considerations doesn't concern abstract purpose, but, mainly, the figurative artists that have some experiments for long time with other softwares.
(I hope my english stays understandable
