Taron's nude studies...

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Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:44 am

Re: Taron's nude studies...

Thanks Taron! I have been giving the number 2 brush a much harder look and it's very fun to play with. Averaging is starting to feel a bit more natural to me. I am working on my strokes as I tend to go crazy with them. Today will play with hair. On reference I rarely used one in my sculpting. I always figured if you knew the law of rough proportion you can get away with it. On my satyr tho I had to look to make sure I was getting my major muscle groups in correctly. I ignored the minor lol. This last sketch I am working is taking me considerably longer than 2.5 hours :lol: It's a learning piece though!. It's the first time since the Satyr that I have used a reference but I mainly wanted to make sure I had the correct pose and then I threw it away.

Yes Ziegfield girls rock and soooo much more elegant than todays offerings. They had style!

hmmm negative bias for the hair.

Tom :)
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http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread ... -sketches-)
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Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:36 am

Re: Taron's nude studies...

Amazing stunning work! So crisp and sharp! just fantastic masterpiece...
caught the lightning very well.. :rock:

Really cool!
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Post Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:54 pm

Re: Taron's nude studies...

That woman paint was epik :bow:

I am so happy that i finally made a proper visit to adult corner. It made me feel a need in a timely matter showcase
and pull of something out of verve in this regard as well. That Zegfried lady is truly gorgeous. I join those folks who
says they look stylish and way more cool than many usual modern female offers of today.

It is time for me to give a try in artistic nude after all. Taron, your image was inspiring. It is so cool to see you showcasing
what can be pulled out of verve.
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Post Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:17 am

Re: Taron's nude studies...

Oh man, yeah, that was such a blast! And it was so "easy" compared to with the first painter I wrote together with drpetter at the time. I mean, it was quite awesome, but when I did my Ziegfeld studies with it, it did not even have zoom and I pixeled my eyes out, hahahaha...
Anyhow, with Verve this is almost perfectly natural and that was an ancient version. (I'm beginning to dislike the word "version" hahaha). But, yeah, especially with what's coming, stuff like that will be really pleasant to paint. Blending and smudging will be even better, simply because painting will be better or easier to manage.

And, yes, I love those Ziegfeld girls. They are phenomenal. There's nothing "provocative" about them, just beauty, just sweetness, just gorgeous to look at with no misguided thoughts or the likes, celebrating the human female form. Just beautiful!

THANK YOU, of course, meant to say that already, but yeah... thanks! :)
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