Posts: 285
Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:54 pm
jim's first steps

Awww boy, i really am most excited about the 0.99s update

The Warp function changes everything for me and will do me tons of good, i believe.
i thought it would be a good time to post my pre Warp attempts to document progress ... that i hope to make?
The things i tried to draw so far always came out with crooked proportions

(Again, sorry for huge, i have no idea how to thumbnail these?

i could see all these errors in the relations and wished for a way to nudge things into place.
The frustration drove me to try to tackle isolated things rather than wholes which was kinda nice for a while but really more of an avoidance.

While i of course do see the value in being able to draw something properly without the aid of such features and do admire people capable of doing so, i now feel comfortable enough to approach more complex compositions again knowing there is a Warp to fall back on.

Thank you very much Taron for finding such an elegant solution for this.