Challenge #001 - Your Vervatar
(I just recently realized we have avatars here, too, and that after weeks of looking at Pilou, hahaha!?)
Size of the final avatar has to be 90 x 90 and it can't be any larger than 6 Kb.
Feel free to post a bigger version (500x500) here, but you better use your avatar here, too!

(I happen to have made mine with Verve, too, by the way! But maybe I'll make a new one just for this occasion?!)
TIP: Use [Shift]+[F2] to toggle through Verve's resolutions until it's the smallest (500x500). Then have fun paintin' away!

(Even I take it to Photoshop then to scale it down to 90x90 and save it for web as jpeg [ctrl]+[shift]+[alt]+[s]...they're worse than me with Verve!)