(i took the liberty to delete your double post, Zero

Do you mean the tree bark texture? Actually, i just used Brush #8 for that, like Taron showed
"here" and
"here". ("Muhahahaaaa" ... So funny

and true

Really amazing for stuff like that

... Aaaand everything else, for that matter (i love #8)
i left a bit of Fluidity and Buildup ON the whole time, but made adjustments to the Brush-Transparency, instead.
These things seem to go hand in hand, sort of
The snow was interesting to make, i used #8 to get the general pattern down and then used #9 with pressure dependence to push, push, push the direction up wert, one line at a time, back to front.
Was super fast, and fun as well

... i rather like #9 these days

... can't hardly wait for it's bias
Really, thank you guys very much, i am ever so happy that you like it

Though, i got a bit lazy in the end ... The idea was an endless circle of ash-rain from one side and snow extinguishing from the other
Maybe, gonna give it another round tomorow

Specs: Intel Core i7-990X Extreme Edition : NVIDIA GeForce GTX580 : 12 GB DDR3 1333 MHz : Windows 7 64bit