Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

Find a little moment each day to make a sketch! It doesn't have to take long, but if you have the time, don't worry to take it! :D

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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:42 am

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

Hey Taron !
When was you plan the daily sketches topic to set up, I did not think to become a Hall Racing and Performance. Many of these paintings are admirable.


Excuse me.
I am a man.
I do not understand English very well, & even with the translator machine do not write good English.
And, incidentally, I had not noticed your conversation! sorry
I just share my sketches here. Anyone who wants can take inspiration from them. I have many other designs inspiration.
If I do not praise others or do not encourage them with words happy to disregard reason and not underestimate them.
I am glad that I attended at the artists club .
Regardless of the tastes and culture that may be different, We always say there is always a lot in common.
I've spent so much time on the wrong translation! I hope you understand what I mean.
Thanks *
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:53 pm

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

Take no worries with your English, borhani.

Many, many people can read through lines and our brains can reconstruct what is missing.

There was something in your black&brown paintings that talked with imagination :roll:

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