Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

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Post Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:52 pm

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

:lol: You were not "caught at cheating", Intars,'s just funny how sometimes things creep into our head unnoticed! Subtle triggers can bring them back out and it's funny how I can see now a predator similarity even in borhani's sketch. It looks like some ancient recording of a visitation! :lol: :shock:
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Post Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:11 pm

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

Another quickie
EDIT: Took him out of symmetry by SHIFT F5 & Warp ;)

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Last edited by Knacki on Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:26 pm

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

:o Whoa!!!

That scared the be-jeebies out of me.
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Post Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:33 pm

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

zeckenpumpe-medium.jpg (241.6 KiB) Viewed 23653 times


I see a lot of other fantastic artworks too ;)

ps. how did you paint straight lines?
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Post Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:42 pm

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

Ouuch...Zero, that's disgusting! :lol: :o :twisted:
Love the radio! :lol:

Knacki, haha, good job! 8-)
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:36 am

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

AWESOME Mike! Really some beautiful mood you created there!
Intars creeped me out properly, indeed :lol:
Epic ant-admiral Knacki! Really like how you used #9 for the background there :shock:
Cool how you used the paint depth to light the well-tap and tick bodys and the shadows are well done, once again too, Zero.
There is no straight line tool in Verve just now but if you work with an tablet, you can use an ruler on it :lol: ;)

So very nice, you guys! :D

Hmm, didn't really realize that we are not supposed to use references ... i think so far, everything i did was at least inspired in one way or another ... i do see the value in working without references of course, though i do not see myself there yet at all :oops: ... Maybe we can have a few daily topics with that as condition?
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 1:49 am

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

Oh, you can use references all day long, no problem. Not sure why you'd think that you were not supposed to?!? :| ...whether this is helping you grow as an artist or not is a different question, but there's no reason to betray your desires, hehe. OOoooooohhhhh it is because of what I said? Did I make it sound like an unlawful thing? No, no, no... just meant that it shows where you used reference and where not, that's all. More like...I was so very proud to be able to see that that I just had to say it out loud... :lol: :ugeek: :P

No, no, go ahead and have fun in which ever way you long as it's with Verve of course... 8-)
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:19 am

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

Thanks for the kind words guys.
I overworked him a bit ;)

It was done without reference btw.
But references are everything in art.
If you are not a good artist only, but a rememberist :D too, it's a hell easier, I think.
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:52 am

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

Taron wrote:... because of what I said?

Well, i must have ill phrased it, once again :roll: ... didn't mean it that harsh either but yeah, it did sound to me like something you would ... advise against doing? :? :P
By "we are not supposed to" i didn't mean "we" as daily sketch participants but aspiring artists generally, rather ... i am just trying to soak in and understand everything discussed here ... like we were in art-class you know :lol: ... so, if you drop stuff like that i take it to heart ;)

i really do appreciate the caliber of creating something completely new like Borhani does but i also really like the very detailed reflections by Pulse (Lord, i hope Pulse uses references for that wicked stuff at all, else i'm making a complete a** out of myself now :oops: :lol: )
But you know what i mean? ;) ... Anyway, i see how this is something i completely miss out on for now, since i almost reflexively check google whenever im exposed to something new ... what i meant to say is that this seems to be a tough habit to shake and a daily sketch condition could help to get the hang of it? Or, to dare it, at least :P
Like a "Draw the very first thing that comes to your mind about topic x" kinda thing ... That's kinda why i suggested to have the topics be a surprise, actually ;)

Edit: Ouh, awesome re-work Knacki :shock: Really took him over the edge :D
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:46 am

Re: Sketch #000009 - " Intelligent insects"

I was gonna say...that cigarette hasn't been there before, has it!? Looks totally cool! 8-)

We should have a nice conversation about all the reference stuff and general approaches in the community forum! I think it'll be great! :)
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