Re: Sketch #000010 - "Dinosaur's Nest"

This one is for my 9 yr old...

"Caught In The Act"
Her favorite dino is a brachiosaurus (one of the largest) and the layout is per her suggestion. (including the French artist apparel)
Though, this giant Jurassic mama-to-be is a vegetarian, it wouldn't take much to squash that mischievous mammal into a prehistoric pancake.
I put about five hours into it over the last few days.

"Caught In The Act"
Her favorite dino is a brachiosaurus (one of the largest) and the layout is per her suggestion. (including the French artist apparel)

Though, this giant Jurassic mama-to-be is a vegetarian, it wouldn't take much to squash that mischievous mammal into a prehistoric pancake.

I put about five hours into it over the last few days.