Sketch #000013 - "Cave Painting"

Find a little moment each day to make a sketch! It doesn't have to take long, but if you have the time, don't worry to take it! :D

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Post Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:50 am

Re: Sketch #000013 - "Cave Painting"

من لذت بردن از بافت زمينه! زیبا است. :)

Taron, ...I still need to learn about layer "masks" :oops: Can you believe it?
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Post Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:30 am

Re: Sketch #000013 - "Cave Painting"

I'd say: "Don't bother", because things will evolve there next. I just hope you're happy with the "legacy opacity" I now call "visibility", which is an AWFUL WORD, sooo easy to misspell making coding rather unpleasant, hahaha... :P
Anyway, there you have it! :D
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Post Tue Jul 15, 2014 4:53 am

Re: Sketch #000013 - "Cave Painting"

Oww! :oops: :P (guilt......) :P

"visibilty?" at least not as bad as ... "cloakinator" or the "invisinizer." :lol:

"immersion" would have been nice for the new one. ;)

It's like watching a thick fog envelope the ink topography... and yes, painting with the new level set lower has a very interesting effect... stroke of genius.

And THANK YOU VERY MUCH Taron! You and your work with Verve is very appreciated. :D
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Post Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:40 am

Re: Sketch #000013 - "Cave Painting"

I'm actually stunningly content with the naming of these parameters, because they happen to make sense. I don't take that for granted! :lol:
I was just thinking about opacity having yet another effect by keeping the specularity full on, suggesting the paint color becomes less opaque and not the material itself. But that might open just another can of worms there. Maybe later... :roll:

Cool, I'm happy you like's really for/because of you! ;)
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Post Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:01 pm

Re: Sketch #000013 - "Cave Painting"

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Post Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:07 am

Sketch #000013 "Cave Painting"

Hey Rick,

I was thinking about painting the sides of my boat too and wanted to spray, how many coats did you use?

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