"The Beast of Harmala" my friend need some feedbacks
Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 6:40 pm
hello dear friends,
I have an american friend - Robert R. Howle - he did wrote some books and he did made also a science fiction movie - with Iclone6 I think. Can you give some critics? This would be very nice ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3405023477&feature=iv&src_vid=8yQQsLCyOl4&v=uPaGqQ0laek ok, its not hollywod, but I hope its a cool story?
I told him also about VERVE, I'm sure it will be very fine also for his next animation backgrounds/textures or book covers/images
I have an american friend - Robert R. Howle - he did wrote some books and he did made also a science fiction movie - with Iclone6 I think. Can you give some critics? This would be very nice ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_3405023477&feature=iv&src_vid=8yQQsLCyOl4&v=uPaGqQ0laek ok, its not hollywod, but I hope its a cool story?
I told him also about VERVE, I'm sure it will be very fine also for his next animation backgrounds/textures or book covers/images