How fine are your ears?

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Post Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:40 pm

How fine are your ears?

How fine' are your ears? until 13.000 HZ very very fine, between 14.000 until 18.000 HZ only a bit. Funny also, I can hear 15.000 bit better like 14.000HZ, maybe it depends on my cheap loudspeaker, Hercules XPS 2.030?!?!

19-20.000HZ I hear nothing.

Until 18.000 thats very good and I'm 43 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: - but I see also, my eyes are not so good :( - I wear glasses since 18. ... 2LhEpyM48E

I think you should made this test on your pc/laptop, I think on mobile devices, you cant hear more than 16.000HZ.
my system: intel7 - 2600k, gtx 970, dualboot windows 7 64 bit / ubuntu 14.04 lts
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Post Wed May 01, 2019 12:26 pm

Re: How fine are your ears?

Don´t forget the overall result depends on your speakers quality too..

My age is the same as yours but my ears are worse due to the loud music I listen when I was young. Now I have tinnitus and I have save my ears little bit..

When I see young people nowadays I think almost all will be deaf, blind and with a broken neck, back, lung.. :-/
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Post Thu May 02, 2019 9:23 am

Re: How fine are your ears?

I know Tinutus also, I got Tinitus after my brother died in 2007 :( - but after a half year it was gone ...
my system: intel7 - 2600k, gtx 970, dualboot windows 7 64 bit / ubuntu 14.04 lts
my deviantartpage:
my youtube channel: zeropainter - ok, there are only 2-3 very short videos

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