I need to start living up to the title of the thread

But Vizcom has me working on what few sketching skills I have, And that's where my explorations have led me. My complaint I started in the Verve thread. Mind you I loved the results of a simple sketch of painting the sky with splashes of verve on the far left. I learned a lot but at 100% material and Image, Description is a waste of words in this case.. you would think. When I talk about multiple images I have done at several ai sites that pencils and brushes were popping up everywhere not just painting the sky. I should have taken my complete sketch instead of a partial view. This left the AI filling in the rest of his legs and because Vizcom is focused on items like shoes they appeared :p That being said they look great LOL The only way to correct this is to do the original and then try for the triptych I was starting to aim for when I created panels.. Yup I have learned... ummm something?

It also has me in Verve a lot more. and in 3d also setting up scenes I have generated in AI.
And digggging deep in my archives of projects that I have left dating back to 1995 at which point I found this and then took it to Viz, I make no claim at all on these but it was fun to do and a 3d scene I can construct with an actual bi pedal kitty

I just need to leave the poor thing hairless. That picture was kind of popular back then and obviously photoshopped. I thought it was cool then and still think its cool. The picture of the kitty that is. The background was a waterfront picture of a piece of the Chicago skyline. I warped that picture in an invaluable filler created by Kai Krause whose influence is still resonating after all these years. And I go to the urge to paste the kitty right in the middle. I sill went 100%/100% bit I have the viz version as wallpaper to give me something to look at while I try and do a 3d version. After I revisit Painting the Sky with more sketching. If I detail the main figures it should hold up better.

- dfsd.jpg (350.6 KiB) Viewed 469 times

- Cyborg Kitty.jpg (299.24 KiB) Viewed 469 times