Re: Dev Diary
...soooo, I've found a method to make the graphics card fan fly off the handle, but also to show off just how powerful and fast it can really go:
I turned off the vblank, having it refresh as fast as it can, not waiting for the 60Hz refresh rate of the monitor. It keeps the cursor super tight on the mouse, BUT it speeds up the fluids so much, that it almost looks silly (Benny Hill music in the background!). The other side effect, as mentioned above, is that the card goes into hyperdrive, making rather scary squeals, hahahaha.... so.... I don't think I will make that even an option, because it sure is scary.
In the meantime I shall ponder some more about involving the regular OS cursor instead. It's not as easy as it may sound. The standard cursor goes up to 256x256. Beyond that one has to probably draw multiple cursors, alternating around until 512x512 and beyond that...well...then it gets really silly. I thought about simply switching to my ordinary cursor beyond 256x256, which shouldn't be too shocking.
However, I still have to figure out how to even let windows get my custom cursor images without an extra resource file, which is a pain in the booty to me. This stuff always wrecks my patience to solve.
Anyhow, I would love to show you the insanity of super high speed Verve, hahaha, but then... I think you'd hate me for it, too!