Feedback V0.99w.08

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Post Sat Apr 20, 2019 10:57 am

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

I love so much the colormixing in Verve .... I did made today a comparision!

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Post Sat Apr 20, 2019 11:21 am

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

Sehr interessant, Zero! However, I had to extract the id number of the youtube clip, because the link you posted goes into your private edit only you can access! :geek:
I'm very happy you are exploring these differences. For me it is virtually impossible to even try painting in PS for a long time now! :hihi: ...nice to see why! :ob
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Post Sat Apr 20, 2019 4:37 pm

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

Hahaha - ich will den Scheiß jetzt nicht verteidigen aber so schlecht isser auch wieder nicht.

Photoshop is no good to use for painting out of the box. One need some special brushes for good smudging performance i.e. (I am still searching where I got mine from. 100x times faster than normal shit)
But there wouldn't be so many good Photoshop paintings, if painting would be like in your example, zero.
It's a Photo retouch tool which needs to be carefully learned to paint in.

Once you got this, you are almost not limited.....well with brush sizes under 100 pixels :D
I often regret not to carefully learned how to paint in photoshop, specially when it comes to photobashing an concepts in minutes.
But mostly just for a very short moment.
For Android or IOS I can recommend Infinite Painter.
Almost all tools one artist need in one package, a unbelievable quick developer and nice blending.
Anyway, the quality of the tools......content aware fill....did you try the new options in PS?...f****!!!!
Kaleidoscopic, mandala symmetry, smoothing. Thanks to all the small developer, Adobe needs to move as well.

Painting is just a tiny part in this app.
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Post Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:06 pm

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

Knacki, I used to paint in photoshop, I know what it's like. Sure, Zero's example requires a fair deal of forgiveness and care, but it is a great opportunity to realize once again that it's a whole different style of doing things there or even in any other "traditional" digital paint app than it is in Verve. Yes, Verve has some fundamental issues for doing traditional digital stuff- let's not talk about working against an empty background (cough)- but when you pull your digital head out of the sand and allow for a different kind of experience, there's a unique power here, which simply doesn't exist elsewhere.

Anyway, thanks for usually being so kind, Knacki! It's among a great many things that make you one of my favorite artists here, besides your enormous talent! ;)
Here to help! :D
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Post Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:19 pm

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

@Knacki - I allways have problems to paint e.g. fire in Photoshop, even its recomended to use Color Dodge like here in CTRLPAINT

But if you are good in Photoshop, well, its a good tool too, but I think much harder to get nice colors. Maybe its better to paint only black-gray-white for beginners in PS and colorinking as an extra process in the end ;)
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Post Sat Apr 20, 2019 10:36 pm

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

Well, talking about the feeling of painting in PS, that's a complete different story, for sure.
It feels...wrong?
Like a complete workaround.
I honestly don't know what they did with the brush engine as well.
Maybe it's because of ultra high....brainfu**? at Adobe or because PS is a Dinosaur.
I just said, it could be worth to learn PS more, as it can solve things other soft can't.
Affinity is very close, but one need to get used to it's persona. Can't say much about painting.

Verve is a super lovely painting feeling just right. I really tried my ass of to get at least some of the wonderful moments in other apps.
About blending other apps have their advantages as well and sometimes, but while writing, I needed to fire up verve once to get old feeling back :D

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Post Sat Apr 20, 2019 10:46 pm

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

Hehehe, thanks, Knacki! Also, sometimes one forgets that Verve also goes a long way with averaging for more ordinary blending. Combining it all can really get amazing results. However, don't know how this is for anyone else, but mixing the techniques sometimes almost feels like "cheating", hahaha... :lol: ...ridiculous, I know. But, yeah, AND one shouldn't forget the brush oscillation that can do also wonders for neat blending styles! But all this stuff should become far more prominent. I need to make a proper brush GUI and cleaner engine for it. The potential is just sooooo much bigger. :PP
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Post Sun Apr 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

Indeed. in verve, some revolutionary ideas are implemented.
At least those you should protect.

There are some online options to protect these ideas. Not very expensive, around 50€.
At least better than nothing ;)
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Post Sun Apr 21, 2019 10:14 pm

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

Ahaha, that's an interesting idea. I'm normally not that paranoid, but you're probably right. One day I may look at that!
Happy Easter, by the way! :)
Here to help! :D
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Post Thu May 23, 2019 3:44 pm

Re: Feedback V0.99w.08

I've been working as a professional artist for years, and was trained traditionally. I'm currently rebuilding my digital portfolio, and have undertaken a wide-ranging survey of current digital painting software, including Painter, Photoshop, Rebelle, Paintstorm, and Verve.

I've eliminated Photoshop since my old version won't authenticate anymore and I don't want to rent my software.
I've done my last five professional commissions in Painter, and remember spending most of my time fighting the truly baffling and terrible interface and wandering through their hideously excessive tool library, which is 98% useless to me.
Paintstorm is low-priced, and it feels like it. This just feels hobbled, somehow. My workflow was poor.
Rebelle feels good, and I really like the paint dynamics.
And then there's Verve. The tiny experimental program that doesn't even take itself very seriously. Kit-bashed to work, aware that it wasn't polished and was missing lots of standard stuff. And I can't seem to stop returning to it. Coming from a traditional painting background, Verve just makes sense. Do I miss tools like rulers and straight lines? Yes. Are there a few other things I think could be improved? Sure, but really, Verve just works as it is. A single undo level? Try the real world! Wonky layer merge? Hey, if that's the worst Verve can throw at me, I can deal.

Fluidity: dead on.
Mixing and blending: dead on.
Buildup and knockback of paint mass: dead on.
Canvas texture: dead on.

If I find myself needing something else, I go into Rebelle, do it, and then return to Verve.

Somehow, this little program is putting the big boys to shame.

Don't change how you're doing things, Taron! This is simply the best program out there. I look forward to sending you some money for this. This is what I've been describing as being the holy grail of digital paint simulation for years, and finally found.

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