Frequently Asked Questions
- Apple Macintosh version?
Not yet, part of the plan, but I need some funding first to justify buying a dedicated system for that to happen.
- Linux version?
Not yet, part of the plan, but I need some time and bravery to install a dual boot on my machine.
- Crash - Access Violation
If you run windows 8, you may have to update to windows 8.1 and then update your graphics drivers. But it might very well be that your graphics card doesn't support the required openGL version, likely because it's older than 4 years already?!
- Don't know how to use it?
Here is the Manual (docs) !
- Donations
Hmmm...keep a little savings piggy for me until I have found a nice way to make that possible!
If you can think of any other frequently asked questions that I somehow forgot, let me know, please!