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HDR Lights? HDR Painting?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:26 am
by Zeropainter
Hello dear Taron, I'm so happy about the possibilities of Verve 8-) every day ... but what about HDR functions? E.g. setting a HDR as Lightsource / HDR painting - in the future? I own e.g. filterforge, without a good hdr I get flat images, with a good hdr light I get much more better results. And what we can see with hdr in Verve? ;)

Re: HDR Lights? HDR Painting?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:26 am
by Taron
EYYYYyyy....don't spoil the surprises for later, Zero!!! :lol:
I've actually planned also right from the start to hook up material spheres. I even thought about hooking up MaCrea as a little material creator straight inside Verve. So...yeah...that's very likely to happen eventually, too! ALSO I will hook up blooming, too, as one of the many post effects that I want to hook in eventually. But all of this has to wait a while. It will come, though! ;)

Re: HDR Lights? HDR Painting?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:15 pm
by Chekwala
Hi again,

So I have been diving in and out of this forum and it slowly starts to feel like a very comfy place to be... :ob

And this thread makes me highly curious - especially since I alredy saw MaCrea on, exactly between the link to this forum and "Lord of the Springs" (I LOVE that name, by the way.)
So let's come back to MaCrea. What the hell is a "material creator" and what would that look like in Verve? Or has this actually been implemented since years and is behind the build-up parameter? (Which, kind of, does create material...)
And what does "blooming" mean in this context?

Re: HDR Lights? HDR Painting?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:50 pm
by Taron
Oh, haha, MaCrea creates "Material Spheres" you could use in Zbrush or Sculptris. I made it for use in Sculptris, actually. However, I could easily make a shader for Verve that takes such sphere images, but two major issues are there:
1) it would kinda mess with my current solution a little too much and would really beg for me to add proper GUI elements for all of it.
2) I still don't have proper 16bit import, making it very messy with 8bit per channel images.
My plan has been to make a really nice lighting GUI, where then also a choice would pop up for Material Sphere Images like one can create in MaCrea, or rather...I'd just hook the whole thing into Verve. That way I'd also get around the image import mess, hehe... :oops:

Anyway, bouncing all about, "blooming" I only have in form of a Glow parameter that will make any pixel bloom as it goes hotter than 1.0 on any channel (>100%). Just fun, but I liked it a lot. :shrug: :)

Re: HDR Lights? HDR Painting?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:01 pm
by Chekwala
Reminds me that I will look SO forward to checking out Scultpris (and ZBrush too, but Sculptris first.) But right before reading your reply I have stumbled across you mentioning ZBornToy and that picture with even-more-than-usual (for Verve) plasticity you created with it. (I mean this one:

Gooooood - and then ther's the thread with everyon'e favourite freeware...

You know, when I was a child I often dreamed of being "forgotten" in a sweet shop overnight. This forum is better. MUCH better. Thanks for creating it!!! :bow:

Re: HDR Lights? HDR Painting?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:38 pm
by Taron
Oh yes, you'll enjoy Sculptris, even if it's very old by now, I still love making 3d doodles with it more than anywhere else, actually.
As for ZbornToy, well, it's not freeware. It's an After Effects filter I created together with a dear old friend of mine, who runs his own software company ( ). It's the first and only commercial software I have made, thus far. I didn't set the price either, in case you're wondering. But it most certainly is a beautiful filter. I don't think people fully understood its power, because it is tremendous, but it's virtually between worlds. 3d artists would understand it more than compositing artists, but they wouldn't necessarily know how much they could do with it than compositors would.'s, well, a rare gem for those, who know how to mine it! :shrug: :)