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Post Tue May 26, 2020 10:05 am

Re: Extrapolations

Hit {Ctrl}+{D] to freeze the fluids! No need to undo, undo... ;)
Here to help! :D
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Post Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:55 am

Re: Extrapolations

[quote="Tartan"]Hey Ed :)

I am starting to get things done but still a long way to go. I guess I should have hired someone but always have preferred doing things myself. Glad to hear you got a new job (teaching art?) I think you will find as a teacher, you will learn more as you teach than you would have not as one :D


You referred to an old image I did and posted in a thread called "Postcards from Kohaku (japanese for space) at the Zbrush Sculptris forum. The method I used was to sculpt the creature with Sculptris. I imported an inverted space shot as Sculptris's background and applied an image I mangled with Kai and mirroring in Photoshop as material to the sculpt. I then saved the image. I will go back and explore that one day because materials and backgrounds made in Verve would provide a nice synergy with Sculptris and I would like to sculpt something.


Hi Thomas you mentioned in your post above, "an image I mangled with Kai and mirroring in Photoshop"
is Kai some sort of pluggin?

Your last artwork looks to me as some sort of cavern, kinda cryptic, and obscure.
Thanks for the warp tips man.
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-LSH color pallete
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Post Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:04 pm

Re: Extrapolations

I found your vervepainting "Bring Me the Heart of the Goblin Girl Part3" to be very strong one. Maybe this will be the drawing which i take as a reference
as to what can be done with mirroring tool. I must confess, so far i hadn't much used mirroring tool, avoided it, just felt that i am not into symmetries.
Having look at your work slightly "gave a crack" i should say. Drawing is so strong. Really powerful! Catches the eye. I have a feeling as if i am looking at
interesting, supernatural swamp, secret forest place. But also, this drawing makes me heavily think of Predator movie with Arnold.

Also i couldn't bypass Blue Mountain drawing. It just attracts to itself with its vivid coloring as well. Very clean, very pure. Human eye have to see such artworks
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Post Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:36 pm

Re: Extrapolations

Thank you so much Intars :) Symmetry is a favorite of mine for sure but it could be because of my extensive experience in 3d sculpting, Fluids are just too much fun letting a combination of colors bring forth the creativity. As I noted, I took a 3d/2d image I did and played with it in Verve until I was happier with it. The original is posted in my off topic thread. :D
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Post Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:05 pm

Re: Extrapolations

I recently took an image I did into vizcom image to image with 100% image and 100% material. Because most of the images I used as material were Verves I did I thought I might get away with showing the results. Remember that unless described in the text to be different from the image all results will be 100% yours because material acts to color and influence unless restrained. Also if you use a material that has a character etc on it already then the face and clothes may appear on the face or body of one of the main figures. In this case the man Painting the Sky. Very interesting effects And you can do the material after the main image is up.. ie.. run into Verve to do a quick scene or abstract and then back to material use in Vizcom. It is essentially acting as a Photoshop filter. Think I will do an abstract soon :)

Painter in the Dawn 00a.jpg
Painter in the Dawn 00a.jpg (112.26 KiB) Viewed 2445 times

Painter in the Dawn 01.jpg
Painter in the Dawn 01.jpg (87 KiB) Viewed 2445 times

Painter in the Dawn 02.jpg
Painter in the Dawn 02.jpg (171.99 KiB) Viewed 2445 times

Painter in the Dawn 03.jpg
Painter in the Dawn 03.jpg (143.65 KiB) Viewed 2445 times

Painter in the Dawn 04.jpg
Painter in the Dawn 04.jpg (141.27 KiB) Viewed 2445 times
Motherboard -Asus Rampage IV Extreme
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Post Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:13 pm

Re: Extrapolations

Isn't that fun?! :hyper: ...very nice results, Tom! c:! :ob
Here to help! :D
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Post Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:15 am

Re: Extrapolations

Thanks Taron :)

I think I had posted that sketch or one similar much earlier. But really. Sitting here analyzing what I did including the paneled one I cobbled up. The are 2 main things Pencils, brushes and Tennis shoes lol so maybe not 100% The material images I tried didnt have any. Now I realize that I put Brush in the description but a brush with as true brush head And an eraser? Maybe for charcoal work and use the eraser as a smudger :p

I filled out a questionaire for them. Checked other and that my main interest was color and material. I am going to contact them and try push the idea of color and material without the ai bringing in outside influences like their brushes and tennis shoes lol. True this is almost going backwards for them but I dont need those types of influences when I am trying to preserve my scene and yet introduce crazy materials like my abstracts in Verve :) True they do other things well. My sculptris/Zbrush model Bebop was lost in one of my historical hard drive meltdowns. Their advanced 3d model generator in the Pro tier can restore it and I can finally rig him.

But the point remains. for me I would sub it at 10 a month just to be able to use it to generate different looks. Textures for 3d models can also be recolored etc. Back to the point which is copyright. Out of all the AI sites of different types I have seen For my purposes, Viz is on the right track now. The thought does occur that maybe I better grab that 40 dollar 1 month sub for 1 month and bring a lot of my old sculptris models back to life :p so glad I have screen shots and images of all my projects. Never can tell when they m,ight crash and burn or sell out lol.
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Post Sat Jan 18, 2025 8:43 am

Re: Extrapolations

You should take your time first and keep exploring. It's best to be sure it can do what you're after and that this was something you were planning on doing very often. AND if this was something you couldn't do with the free version, of course. I believe that pro accounts really are for pro environments. I love playing around with it every now and then, but I'm glad I don't have to do so in a pro context.
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Mon Jan 27, 2025 3:32 am

Re: Extrapolations

Pretty nice c:!
I have mixed feelings with AI stuff as I do not know how to correctly use it :lol: , but well, Vizcom usage provides nice results from your source material :ob
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Post Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:54 am

Re: Extrapolations

Thanks Ovn1 :)

I will give you a tutorial using your work from Moreorless and borrow one of your full paintings here to use as material and color. That should be fun actually. I will take screenshots on every step. For some reason yesterday i went thru an extensive series of materials etc. Everything produced came together in ways that would be 100% copyright and that worked even when I had the drawing influence at 0 % and let the ai have its way. Very fun to do also if the AI isnt adding things .

Taron I figured out why the eraser was on the brush handle I did in photoshop. That end has a slight color change and the AI interpreted it as an eraser :) I will post a few of the images I am very happy with and can say are mine :). Verve abstracts ftw for fun lol! c:! c:! c:!
Motherboard -Asus Rampage IV Extreme
CPU - i7-3930k @ 3.2 GHZ (overclocked - 4.5)
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