Before i finished my "Turtles 1 on NES" verve-painting, there were, as i previously mentioned, some other drawings that came into existence. Now its time to share them, since whole
Turtles 1 drawing saga is concluded. Turtles 1 kicked off around November of 2019. Approximately one month after that there actually was another piece of drawing made which continued
pixel "theme". I had drawn a lot of imaginary stuff - environments, creatures, objects, scenes but i came to realize that there is basically 0 of some real environments, some autobiographical
places, like , nature spots or everyday life dimensions depicted artistically due to their personal significance in shaping basically the whole me as identity. So one day, i realized its time to
change the balance, and i entrusted the verve-painter to be my main brushes and colors equipment in this first experimental step into the memories territory. In very small resolution originally,
in 320x200 i painted from the memory a real place that exists and which in an essence is a yard which consequently played role of childhood yard, then early youth event yard and after that, a
yard of my home place generally, a symbol of place associated with abstract home. This place to this day has many trees, two nearby forest zones, one of them three-four minute walk away.
I remember so green and warm summers and childhood summer days there! In a drawing you see part of living apartment's house were i lived. Right behind me would be a very peculiar
mini-forest zone with trees that we liked and used to play in during childhood so much (will paint them some other time). We imagined a game "Predator" which of course meant, that one
had to imitate, well, a Predator and the other kids had to team up into special force team and survive the forest. I can't remember precise rules, but kids who had to somehow climb the trees
and hide somehow there, i suppose, had to throw something at 'special forces team' to imitate Predator's cannon laser strike and other weapons. We had fun, this mini-mini forest was ideally
designed for such kid ventures, it had proper trees and was quite dense despite itself being so mini-territory all in all! Ahh, the memories, we were born in so lucky place, environment was so
cool. But what you see in this drawing, shows one pocket of small car parking lot; back then in 1980's-1990's not many families even had cars, they kind of were also not so critically important.
In childhood those parking lot mini-spaces mostly were empty and we had so much space to kick ball and drive our bicycles and run around without worries, fellas - i state my true physical
experience. Literally, only few cars in home yard territory. And those few cars were never a big barrier or spatial hinderance to us. What you can see on the left side is kind of a fragment of a
grassy lawn territory which was perfect place for football games, and yes - those few cars that were parked around it from time to time did got some ball collision to experience. And those
few, rare collisions never ended breaking something or getting us, kids, into serious troubles with car owners. The whole yard territory is a dead-end and in a valley. I will once verve-paint what
it meant for us as a kids during winters with normal ice and steady below 0 degrees
As for summers, when it was not raining, yard was like home to us that we knew inch by inch. As a kids we also played videogames on NES, SEGA (all novelties back then) but we also had soo
much time in yard and all surrounding zone, that i still to this day know various local trees as if they were some individuals, that, while being static, grew up with us and were our buddies in
play and everyday fun
So, this is my first real drawing of my childhood yard. It was created back in 20 December 2019, and finally i release it, firstly, here. I wanted to give it a DOS graphics look. As i mentioned,
this drawing is painted in 320x200 resolution (like some DOS game res) but for upload and representation purposes upscaled in Gimp with no interpolation and no editing. I personally enjoyed
utilizing verve-painter mechanics once again even for a pixelish drawing purposes.
Hope you enjoy the drawing even without full knowledge of what environment looks all around, 'behind the screens'

There is seen one red car and there is a whole special, fun story
about it from childhood which still gives some giggles, but that would demand a dedicated drawing for itself, so some next time.