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Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2024 5:14 pm
by eduardobedoya
Cool pictures, nice contrast.
congrats Intars

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2024 2:53 pm
by Intars
Had been busy - I started my Masters degree studies in computer engineering (though I aimed for computer science but was accepted for instead :ud: )
I still found time and finished this one new piece. Created slowly during three sessions (7th August, 13th October and today, 5th November, so you get "warm cookie" right out of ''oven''.
"Penga gets to the cool place" (a place of a friendly buddhist monks, educated personas, chess, cookies, infinite vacation time, grandiose architecture and level of civilisation)

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 3:38 am
by Intars
One new and quick piece; this time more abstract.

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 7:35 am
by Taron
Quick and sweet! c:!
Not sure if this is for historical reasons, but I get the sense of a side-scrolling shooter arriving at the grand finale of a big level. Price being a heart-diamond at the end of a crystal energy odysse with the promising threshold into organic, fluid space that is home.

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 12:51 am
by Intars
Peculiar interpretation :hihi:
Truth be told - this verve-painting was made more after the impressions after reading a small article about mathematical spirals in one book and while thinking about Ruby programming language (by some unknown reasons to me; just happened to read something on it out of curiosity many weeks ago). But what a funny alternative interpretation, Taron :ud:
I had no clue such a view was inherent in this drawing, but now I have.

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:45 am
by Intars
One more new verve-painting. Initially I thought to go with something very Lovecraftian but at the end I let all the drawing process go loose and with no
apparent goal - this is what I ended with.

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Fri Jan 10, 2025 3:05 pm
by Taron
Very ominous and ghostly and symbolic somehow. It feels like a remove-viewing visualized or a picture from within a dream.
The pearl of a leader, advised by a demon of sorts, while the demon sits by the window, knowing what goes on outside and the pearl rules those, who come with requests.

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 6:32 am
by Intars
"The cosmic pearl and the command of the minds" then could be a possible alternate title for this verve-painting.
I confess that some vibes from H.P. Lovecraft's aspect of mystified King in Yellow's fiction most likely pervaded my thoughts during painting - I was thinking
about some room belonging to property of some powerfull entity (possibly - human) that somehow got into experiences of some interference from some old
cosmic forces which overpowered the room, the owner and everything around it.
Lovecraft's stories captivates my imagination, I really like to read (and sometimes repeatedly) his works.

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 8:06 am
by Taron
From Lovecraft I only ever read "The case of Charles Dexter Ward". He's got such a wonderful way of writing. I remember how I was first a little annoyed when he broke the beautiful atmosphere with the usual zombie stuff, but even then it was exciting to read. However, except for some ancient scriptures I haven't been reading much in this life, hehehe... nowadays my eyes don't make that much of a joy. But more Lovecraft sounds inspiring! ;)

Re: Intars' gallery

PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 3:50 am
by Tartan
Lovecraft was probably the most brilliant of the old fantasy pulp writers. Very nice style. I have most of his works and I also have a copy of the King in Yellow by Robert Chambers. The King in Yellow is in the public domain.. He is very hard to resist as a character lol.

Well done Intars and great subject :) c:! :)