Those are fantastic, Mike, great job!!! I just love how authentic they feel, how strong the theme comes across and how consistent you've pulled them off. Just perfect!
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The memory of the basic details sat in my head for so long. My first attempts to paint them were going to be way too ultra-detailed (of course I was) but I had to step back and think about what they would look like after rendering them in the scene. So, weirdly enough, I painted things first in Verve, then I brought them into Photoshop and had to resize and tweak them to match the resolution and shapes of the wall material and scene using flat-view isomorphic quick renders as placement guides. Then I wasn't happy with the lower resolution I chose and brought them back into Verve and re-painted everything... ugh! I now felt inclined to be more expressive with my strokes and colors, which was a wise direction! Then I wasn't happy with the angle of the top of the north wall mural and there was this vent duct poking into the top of the other one. I had to tweak those issues in Photoshop. I made alternate versions of the walls' Blender material textures where I incorporated the painting png's. I'm sure there was an easier way to project them (like some kind of decals) but my Blender skills are still novice level believe it or not.
So this new movie is a thing:
Asteroid City - Official Trailer (2023) Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hanks, Margot Robbie
I guess my new piece now feels so Asteroid City coded. lol!
I have this little clay figurine of a horse I made when I was 6 years old.. I always hated it as a child because it looked like some "derpy" dog. I gave the horse dog ears! WHY?! I had been around horses and riding on them since I was little as my mom's cousins had a boarding farm. I STILL can't draw an anatomically accurate horse these days to save my life but thank the stars for references. Mostly, I get confused about the legs... I mean, when I look at my cats' legs they have these strange proportions; the elbow is really 'this' because one part bends the opposite of humans, but then you realize that they are the same but the proportions are different... lol! At least they aren't like painting people! Like when I paint body parts clean and technically straight it makes sense but they look like robots so when I just expressively draw or paint without reference I tend to draw more cartoony people with droopy bendy curvy arms and legs (to express muscular shape) which is not right either. I think it's an inability of mine to mentally remember muscle location and dynamic proportion. Frustrating. With that...
If you want to know a bit of magic as to how my brain works: I think in 3-dimensions and in color with all objects and details spatial in nature, detailed and mostly accurate. My dreams at night are also so where I can also hear music and sound. [some of my children can't] My hand-eye coordination and the parts of my mental process that -converts- what I see in my mind's eye to moving my hands to draw is very abstract! I cannot translate the spacial details to paper, at least not exactly because there's some 'buffer' in between that sabotages accurate details and warps them to suit the emotional/creative part of the brain. I can remember someone's face to a great degree but I can't break it down to get my hands to generate proportions.
...But then I take a deep breath and meditate for some wisdom; art and expression are simply outputs to convey one's feelings and interpretation of their existence when viewed from inside out (deep). Or in other words for example, I've got a few artist kids who I see to be much "better" than I when it comes to painting and drawing. My gifts mostly lie withing the technical realm, so graphics and industrial design are my skill set. One of my kids draws in a very abstract manner but she is the best when it comes to expressing ideas, whether political or psychological (she's in an indie psych-rock band obviously.) My oldest daughter can render the most photo-realistic faces and figures with natural media like pencils or paints and many people try to commission her time, though, she isn't one for drawing conceptual pieces - not the cartoon or fantasy type for sure. My youngest has been perfecting an anime style of his one that is really good and at pretty much a commercially ready level with great dynamic layouts and expression. You can still learn to un-tap the hidden avenues of expression within each of us - it just takes the right tools and media - and we find that we are ALL painters! - and I have Verve to thank for that.
Thanks Pilou! You know, you had a hand in the genesis of my skill-set, or at least the software (Moi3D and Verve) and all I discovered from them. How the "hinges" of life work.
Yep there are today so many magic tools! when I think that I knew the punched cards! And one week to wait the result! So a little syntax error and all to to remake! So yes mystery of the life!
my system: intel7 - 2600k, gtx 970, dualboot windows 7 64 bit / ubuntu 14.04 lts my deviantartpage: my youtube channel: zeropainter - ok, there are only 2-3 very short videos