Word of caution...

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Post Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:31 pm

Word of caution...

Verve heavily uses GPU shaders, which will heat up any video card eventually! Cards older than 5 years may not be compatible to run Verve.

:!: If you have a card older than 3 years, please, open up your computer and check if the fans are free from dust :!:

My old video card (Nvidia Quadro 5000), died during playing a 3d video game (yes, I do play, too), leaving me with funky, migraine like flickering squares all over the screen until it seized functioning altogether. After a brief investigation of the hardware it was obvious: the tiny fans of it were hidden beneath a blanket of dust, leading to overheating and its end. I then went to buy myself the cheapest model of Nvidia's GTX 970, which has massive fans, yet, isn't really loud. It runs like a charm at a fraction of the price of the old Quadro 5000, beating its performance countless times, especially with Verve. Something I can happily recommend!

If you normally do not run games or applications that use heavy GPU shaders, be sure to follow my advice above! :geek:
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:26 pm

Re: Word of caution...

the tiny fans of it were hidden beneath a blanket of dust, leading to overheating and its end

Yes but on Latop we can't open it without lost guarantee! :?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
http://moiscript.weebly.com/ https://schmoll8.wixsite.com/magicavox
Latop: Geforce GTX 950M, Intel Quad Core i7, Windows 10, 8 Gigas, 2.4ghz
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Post Sat Jan 16, 2016 3:49 pm

Re: Word of caution...

A 5 year old laptop can't possibly run Verve, so you're safe! :lol:
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:56 pm

Re: Word of caution...

Isn't that crazy.
Me, I although thought it would be great to have some professional stuff and bought a Quadro 4000for my old workstation.
I can't really see anything why I should do this again.
With the Titan GTX I again bought something over prized but what a difference!
The turn around is multiple time power.

The craziest is to see what people achieve by using multiple GPU.
My Titan GTX i.e. is rendering way slower than three cheap 580 GTX
I really like this ongoing GPU comparison on blenderartists:
Very interesting for that!!

The other thing is the visit of a vacuum cleaner time by time ;)
I had several cases where my stuff almost died due to filled cooling holes. Same possible with a notebook. ;) Mostly the openings are filled by dust, that's easy to remove with a vacuum cleaner - but have to be done every three month or so -> note to myself : "Clean all vents and fans!"
It's really worth it.
System: i9 10900k@4,2 Ghz / RTX3090 / win10 Pro64 Bit/ 64GB Ram
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Post Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:39 pm

Re: Word of caution...

If you have pets, it's a good idea to do that every months or even every few weeks! :PP :lol:
Hmmm, that's pretty interesting, using multiple GPUs. I have no idea how to set up something like this and wonder, if it could work for Verve, too?! :shrug: ...definitely interesting! 8-)
Thanks for sharing that, Knacki! :ob
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:41 pm

Re: Word of caution...

The heat will also cause the bearings and lubricant in the fans to eventually dry and seize up.
But checking your video cards only goes so far here in Florida where lightning is likely to (and often does) kill your cards before use does. :lol:

When video cards start coming with giant tower fans and liquid cooling tubes then I'll know Verve will soon become sentient, :twisted:
Visit: http://www.k4icy.com/ dA: https://www.deviantart.com/mikek4icy FB: mike.maynard.9277 email: mikek4icy@gmail.com
System Info: NVidia GeForce RTX 3060 (12Gb), AMD Ryzen 7 5700G 3.8 Ghz, 16 Gb, Windows 11
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Post Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:38 pm

Re: Word of caution...

:lol: ...to all of it! :lol:
Yes, that will be the moment! :ugeek:
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
Taron.de | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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Post Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:37 pm

Re: Word of caution...

I just started playing w/Verve on a GTX 980 desktop and it is a whole new world compared to Verve on a 10 year old laptop. One interesting thing I noticed though is that just to open Verve & let it sit there uses a steady 22% of the GPU. When I'm using Verve it's using about 32% GPU - but when I alt-tab to another app - any app - Verve drops to 0% GPU usage & the fluid motion freezes instantly. When I alt-tab back to Verve the fluids continue on their paths & GPU resumes.

So now when I'm not using that machine, I make sure Verve isn't the active app. GPU fans stay off & it sits around 46 C. I prefer to leave Verve open & fullscreen so that walking up to it is like walking up to a canvas - I see something from across the room, I can walk up & start tweaking the painting.
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Post Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:53 pm

Re: Word of caution...

OH, man, you're so right, I know now how to deal with it, but never made an update. Yes, yes, yes, yes, absolutely! THANK YOU! :hug: :beer:
Once I make a new version, I will make sure this won't happen anymore. I've learned so much in the meantime. Tssss...to think how I can improve Verve makes me feel like there will be a Christmas gift, once I'm done, hahaha! :hihi:
Congrats on the card! :ob
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
Taron.de | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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Post Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:04 pm

Re: Word of caution...

Taron wrote:Verve heavily uses GPU shaders, which will heat up any video card eventually! Cards older than 5 years may not be compatible to run Verve.

:!: If you have a card older than 3 years, please, open up your computer and check if the fans are free from dust :!:

My old video card (Nvidia Quadro 5000), died during playing a 3d video game (yes, I do play, too), leaving me with funky, migraine like flickering squares all over the screen until it seized functioning altogether. After a brief investigation of the hardware it was obvious: the tiny fans of it were hidden beneath a blanket of dust, leading to overheating and its end. I then went to buy myself the cheapest model of Nvidia's GTX 970, which has massive fans, yet, isn't really loud. It runs like a charm at a fraction of the price of the old Quadro 5000, beating its performance countless times, especially with Verve. Something I can happily recommend!

If you normally do not run games or applications that use heavy GPU shaders, be sure to follow my advice above! :geek:

Hi Taron,
I've tried Verve out at https://www.taron.de/Vervette/sandbox/
Oh, I LOVE your app!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D

But I am cautious of your warning. :tantrum:
I am working on a system that is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.11 GHz
Edition Windows 10 Home
Version 21H1
Installed on ‎2021-‎01-‎23
OS build 19043.1288
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0

Will this hurt my laptop?
Will using it on the Sandbox hurt my laptop?

I had an app on my old Mac and it was similar except you couldn't save the images, it was just an app to relax to. But it had shimmering colors in it. It was pretty.

I'm enjoying your YouTube Demos. :D

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