Yes, i certainly think i won't pull-off swamp scene for this "Heartcrab" art project without references because my imagination while do see it almost complete, with all specifications that i want
there to be in full res, it still evades and becomes extremely elusive whenever i sit down and try to bring this vision 'down to earth'. Especially an intended, somewhat surreal parts of it. I soon
will make other new concept verve-painting for one of such surreal aspects that i have in mind. Will see how it goes. So yes, the mind kind of "knows" (as usual) how i want this swamp scene to
be like conceptually, but it blocks me from accessing this vision in one go and hands won't listen either
Because i need to mix various types of swamps and there is even idea that there is not only water but something like relic oil, so the liquid also looks like a disaster mix on its own. How i would
paint it

? (Hi hiii, on other hand, i think the verve will be precisely THE best tool for experimenting there).
So, lots of experiments to be done. I know that it won't be possible for me to reach a fully realized vision in one go here. More like element by element, and then some sort
of 'final merge', i guess. Thanks for references, Taron.