Hey (again
) Knacki,
so I was about to write a long text, but I got the video, yeaaah ! in 1080p yeaaah !²
even if it's accelerated all my process is clearly understable (because honestly, I did it "like a farmer boy", without taking the fine settings in considaration)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvk7D507QzcI got a few advice too
like you'll see in the video, I don't draw, I paint. Yes, it's a huge difference !
You have to set your mind on a different focus. Instead of visualizing something sharp you have to ask yourself this ;
What color?
What shapes? (basic ones!)
What mood/light?
then a bit of composition, but at the biggining I advice you to try some little thing not entire scene (but if you feel like do it uh, live your life freee !)
Now you have thoses stuff in mind + a global idea of what you'd like to head for (I didn't mention it before because trust me, you don't need to know what you're going to draw
everytime, let some freedom to your brain even if that means making bullsh!t, at the end it still practice)
start paint ! mix color, try to loose the control at the first time because, well, you (and I, believe me) don't have
that much of control so don't bother yourself.
Then, the more you progress in your painting, the more the shapes gonna sharpen, the subjet gonna appear more & more. You then start to add detail, a bit here, a bit there, never fully render a specific zone in one shot. It's like building a house, you don't start the roof before the basement right? (you do? ahah send me pics ! ;D)
one more tip is don't fear to fail ! If at some point your brain is like "yeah man, I know we could make
much worst than this (insert random part here) we made, but now that's not working :/ " then go ! add paint, screw it and redraw it.
If you fail, who cares? that's your painting. The more you fail, the faster you'll begin succeeding.
at the end, from big shapes to small ones, from basic colors to complete color palette, you'll get a result that suits you.
If you really start at the the beggining, I'll also advice you to DL a timer and make short sessions, like 30min, twice a day at least. Rapidity isn't something important, as I said before, who cares (if you make this in 1h or 1 day) ? The time limit will be good for your brain, it'll train him to think fast, and it'll also prevent you to get stuck in something and start to move into circles.
I got this timer (there's many other, that's just a matter of design at the end)
http://www.focusboosterapp.com/download I hope I'm understable/readable because man, I drank sooo much cafeine this night xD
Last thing ;
Do you know Feng Zhu? He's a badass killer working in the videogame industry since 15+years and managing his own school in Singapour, and he makes good tutorials. This one, titled "chaos to control" will really help you to figure things out
(get ready, he speaks fast !)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QDPcSuLe73ghis complete list of tutorials on his site :
http://www.artbyfeng.com/tutorials.htmWell, I hope it helps
Cheers !
(p.s.; finally, I wrote a long text. hm.)