Hihi, cool.
John is up there.
Thanks for all nice comments, and thanks taron, you can see last time development is partly your fault, due verve and your positive energy commenting any step I did. if forth or back
Oh well zen, I'll come back to these colour stuff later, but I am really fed up with me not being able to draw a body in any pose right away like I want, and in the quality I want to accept.
I am struggling way too much with basics to feel free, and the result is just a bunch of compromises.
As I love human faces and shapes I'll stick on that. Drawing is more my personality than painting, because it's a bit more technical, so I'll stick on that for further studies.
Btw, last portrait started as a drawing too.
Anyway, painting loose concepts is final target.
This guy is just awesome.
http://m.tapastic.com/series/GhostBladeI really need this for my personal future.
But I realized that I won't be able to come to this loose and playful style, if I don't know the basics as a routine,without thinking about anymore.
I hear any kind of music as long as it is well done, from classic to death metal and due to my son also German gangster Rap, which is the only musical torture possibly could happen to me, but even there I find some nice moments, or one entire song I almost could like in a weak moment. Like this Dead or alive cover, Lemi. But blues, best if it's played live, is different. It fits to me like drawing in the moment.
Anyway time to work! Hope I'll still find time for doing decent stuff next weeks. I'll stick on daily practise, that's for sure!