In Memory of Leonard Nimoy...
In Memory of Leonard Nimoy
Few people have been as iconic as him, standing for high values of fairness, consideration, discipline and- above all- logic.
His ascension into immortality preceded his passing by decades, becoming a kind of guardian angel to those, who have been seeking consolation in the prospect of greater clarity. But how much did we get to know about Leonard Nimoy himself? I sure hope he will forgive most of us, who only ever knew him as Spock. Yet, he was chosen for this role for his presence and that never failed...ehm...well...aside from the Bilbo incident, maybe. But even then, it was quite touching, just in some other places than usual.
Immediately I have to think of him playing the Vulcan Harp-thingy in this endearing Star Trek episode that so radically featured the era of its conception. Leaping forward in time, I can honestly say that each time he showed up again in the newer movies, it felt like meeting an old friend, who builds a bridge across all these times, reminding me to be grateful for having been young and for having grown old alike.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt, he will be missed very dearly.
Love and a light passage to the next round!
If you want to add some tribute images here, please, feel free. I'm sure you'll be respectful.