These are awesome!
Right above build up, you'll find blending.
This will soften your strokes and will give them a more jelly like feeling.
Gernerally you have above layers the bump dial at first.
This determines the overall thickness, depth appearance of your layer.
Put this down, and all your strokes will be flat, you probably have already found that.
The second last dial called Opacity has a misleading name. It is taking away the lower parts of your strokes, depending on 3D value.
Maybe you know this, but simply said. Your stroke is a mountain seen from top, and with opacity you'll "raise" your canvas cutting away the lower part of your stroke mountain.
You'll need that to get rid of a white corona wich will be visible with too much blending and a stroke on clear layer.
Be careful. With opacity on higher level you won't see soft stokes, as they are "under" the canvas.
Check this out by changing opacity time by time.
It's serious fun and can lead to very nice 3D effects.
Build Up really means Build Up in verve, as it controls the thickness of your stroke. Build up on 0 will result in invisible strokes.
Play with SHIFT + arrow keys and you can adjust the light position in x and y.
With SHIFT + PAGE UP or DOWN you adjust your light in z, means towards you - or the canvas.
This can have a big impact on your stroke appearance too.
If you have played with metallic on layer menu, you'll will have seen that this causes a bigger contrast in your stroke appearance. The more metallic, the darker and more structured your stroke will look like.
Ok. That was probably too much
Have fun with the most liquid painting experience available.
The strength of your canvas structure will have a influence on liquidity of your stroke too.
You can put LIQUIFY very high but on a canvas with high strength it will be far less fluid as on an unchecked canvas, where everything is in the move.
Check out some of these presets be warned, verve can be very addictive.