Thank you Taron, I'm flattered!
Thanks Pilou! I have you to thank. Though, I will not promise tutorials - painting is so personal.
On a technical note, I noticed that my PC's overall performance (other programs) was considerably slowed even when Verve was minimized.
I imagine that there is some fluidity engine that keeps working even when minimized?
I used too many layers, which is an bad habit borrowed from Photoshop use. Once I had too many, Verve did not let me access them, once off screen (no scroll,) but maybe I will try to 'merge' them.
So is there a way to set the angle of the brush bias with the mouse? I love your trees technique!
Also, might I suggest a future consideration to allow Verve the ability to import an image on it's own layer for layout and tracing purposes?
I tend to prefer hand-sketching my concept layouts.