dba's doodles on Verve

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Post Sat May 31, 2014 12:09 pm

dba's doodles on Verve

Having a lot of fun with Verve, even if it's a kind off struggle many times :) Whatever, verves always win versus my former idea (my english is terrible sorry)

Nevermind, I tought I could share some off my experiments here and hope you'll have as much fun to watch it

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Post Sat May 31, 2014 12:15 pm

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

That's fantastic, dba, what a style!!! :D ...and I love your signature, too!
Verve is very sensitive to your moods. I'm sure you will find out. More than other paint apps, Verve reacts strongly on your gestures and your choices. I find that one has to get into a very calm state to really gain speed when doing fine shading, but a dynamic mode to do abstracts or coarse things. Sometimes it's difficult to get into a groove with it, but when you do...weeeee...it can be quite wonderful from my experience.
I'm certainly looking forward to more from you! :)
Love your color choices, too!
Here to help! :D
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Post Sat May 31, 2014 12:26 pm

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

Thanks so much Taron. For compliment and for Verve off course. That's exactly what i'm looking for : a more sensitive approach than what i'm used to do when i draw for comics. Feeling in danger is exciting too, not being really sure what will happen. Very new experience for me. I've just been exploring for few hours and yet it's so intuitive ! I'll definitely go on exploring and having fun ! Thanks a lot !
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Post Sat May 31, 2014 6:44 pm

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

StveHustInsp_Final.jpg (159.04 KiB) Viewed 57518 times
Second research with Verve, this one took me more time. Around 4 hours, i guess. (also added few effects on photoshop)
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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:05 am

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

It's hard for me not to explode for pride and joy when I see this art come into being through Verve. Thank you so very much, dba! Such a strong and exciting style.
What did you do with Photoshop?
I'm asking, because I will add post effects very soon, too! It's good to learn what artists like you want to use.
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:01 am

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

Proud you can be ! Verve is like a Christmas gift for me. And I just started to explore, it offers so many possibilities. For instance, mixing oil painting and very liquid painting like watercolor is something quite impossible in real life, but so easy with Verve !

I used Photoshop only for adding the paper texture effect, which I wanted to show in the liquid parts, to suggest some transparency and then strengthen the solid parts, by contrast. And Photoshop was also here to add some tonal color adjustements, focus the light in the center and harmonize a little bit. But all those processes were very light and absolutely not necessary. Just bonus playtime. Anyway, post-effects are not what I expect from Verve, except maybe the local colors adjustements, but a simple color mode for layers would do the trick.

Actually, the major improvements I dream about would be the possibilities to create or import my own brushes and, off course, to import a picture (which you said is to come).

Incidentally, the size off the resulting picture remains a problem, but I don't see how you could improve this without killing my very old computer :) So, this constraint as to be taken like a part off the deal.

Thanks for your concern, Taron. I'm very glad that you like my doodles.
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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:56 am

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

I enjoy them tremendously already! And thank you for telling me about your photoshop actions!
I can already tell you that you could've done those in Verve directly in a fashion. I should record a little tutorial on that. But even more so I should add some functionality for the canvas texture for sure. I've been meaning to do that for weeks already and it was part of my original plan anyway. However, I'd love to show you some tricks!

With the picture size, hmmm, you have to try at what resolution it won't work anymore, but I guess you've done that already. All you may need is a newer graphics card which does not have to be expensive at all. But the more memory it has, the better, of course. I can imagine that would be a fun investment for more than just Verve, but when I think about how much money I've spent on pastels and color pencils, haha...if one considers Verve its own medium, that ends up being a bargain, hahaha...:roll: ...stupid money. That's why I give out Verve for free, too. I hate having to pay for something that makes me love to work so why would I force that upon anyone else!? ;)

Looking forward to a lot more from you... :)
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:36 am

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

Yes, I suspected that it was possible but as I said it's accessory. Same for the textures. I will always tend to use my own textures for this kind of stuff. Too much habits I guess.

By the way, I was thinking, would it not be a good idea to have a setting to add more or less gravity in the liquid behavior ? You know, like when you put too much paint on the canvas and the color is dripping on your feet :D
And off course, why not let us chose the orientation of that gravity, like when one uses a fan. Could be fun :)

I'm talking about possibles improvements and I still didn't learnt all the possibilities :oops: , that's so me :D
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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:42 pm

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

Yeah, that happens pretty quickly, hahaha.... suggestions flood in automatically, really.
However, canvas tilting has been an early thought and requested/suggested a few times already. I tried it on my current routines and it doesn't quite do what you'd want it to do. For this to be cool and useful I will have to evolve my fluids a bit more. But once I have that going, you'll be able to bounce the canvas around to your liking, hehehe...I will hook up everything from gravity to centrifugal forces, of course...why not!? :lol:
I really believe there's a lot of fun still waiting for us in that regard and more. I just have to get to it. The other really exciting thing is that once I have those physics right, a lot more things will become part of it that deal with canvas interaction; from recognizing underlying heights and therefore structures to pushing paint around with air and splattering to general brush interactions with the paint and lift off behaviors included. I'm rather thrilled about all that, of course. That's why this is going to happen in all likelihood. What it will do to the processing speed...hmmm...we shall see!?
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:48 pm

Re: dba's doodles on Verve

I really believe there's a lot of fun still waiting for us in that regard and more. I just have to get to it. The other really exciting thing is that once I have those physics right, a lot more things will become part of it that deal with canvas interaction; from recognizing underlying heights and therefore structures to pushing paint around with air and splattering to general brush interactions with the paint and lift off behaviors included. I'm rather thrilled about all that, of course.

Oh taron - even though I don't find actual time for verve...this would kill me. Sounds like a tremendous milestone in digital painting.
I really wish you (all of us ;) ) good luck for this process.


All post production......beside some colour correction & canvas tools (if liquid really reacts on height of canvas....yummie) , I wouldn't mind if verve uses other apps for this.
Importing would be cool to solve most things. Even height maps :D

Sorry dba for hitch hiking your thread. Your last painting really deserves much more attention than technical talk. That's an poetic piece. I always loved these thinker poses.
Your style brings some extra attention. Very, very cool.
Thanks for sharing.
System: i9 10900k@4,2 Ghz / RTX3090 / win10 Pro64 Bit/ 64GB Ram

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