Proud you can be ! Verve is like a Christmas gift for me. And I just started to explore, it offers so many possibilities. For instance, mixing oil painting and very liquid painting like watercolor is something quite impossible in real life, but so easy with Verve !
I used Photoshop only for adding the paper texture effect, which I wanted to show in the liquid parts, to suggest some transparency and then strengthen the solid parts, by contrast. And Photoshop was also here to add some tonal color adjustements, focus the light in the center and harmonize a little bit. But all those processes were very light and absolutely not necessary. Just bonus playtime. Anyway, post-effects are not what I expect from Verve, except maybe the local colors adjustements, but a simple color mode for layers would do the trick.
Actually, the major improvements I dream about would be the possibilities to create or import my own brushes and, off course, to import a picture (which you said is to come).
Incidentally, the size off the resulting picture remains a problem, but I don't see how you could improve this without killing my very old computer

So, this constraint as to be taken like a part off the deal.
Thanks for your concern, Taron. I'm very glad that you like my doodles.