In respect to most wondeful forms

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Post Wed Mar 04, 2015 2:05 pm

Re: In respect to most wondeful forms

Thank you guys.
Lemi, you are right!

I overworked it a bit.

AktV3_Final.jpg (222.07 KiB) Viewed 12866 times

It wasn't a planned effect btw.
I tried a bit in verve.
Duplicated the Painting layer and reduced opacity on top layer.
Below layer I changed colour mode to "Add" (+)
It became a cool "aura" and let you do a kind of SSS effect.
This became dramatically stronger after I played in photoshop with Hue, Curves and and Brightness & Contrast.
So strong, that I had to mask it again with an extra png layer from verve with the model only.

Hahaha, it's a very cool way to paint backlit hair.
In this case it turned out much too much fury for my taste. I was just looking for an effect.
But one should keep that trick in mind:

This is only a test!
AktV3_GlowHair.jpg (58.59 KiB) Viewed 12866 times
System: i9 10900k@4,2 Ghz / RTX3090 / win10 Pro64 Bit/ 64GB Ram
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Post Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:23 am

Re: In respect to most wondeful forms

:ob c:!

And thank you for the useful approach you described!
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Post Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:05 am

Re: In respect to most wondeful forms

pretty figures
System: Intel Core i7-13700K, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 16GB, CORSAIR Vengeance DDR5 32GB, Windows 11
Verve Wishlist:
-LSH color pallete
-Brightness Knob

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