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Post Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:32 pm

Re: Dev Diary

More snakes! Why am I the last to know when an update is made. ;)

Okay! I like the ability to paint in (+) or (-) modes. Great for making fire.

Whoa, that new indicator panel just seems to stick out there, doesn't it.

And Brush #0 doesn't seem to do anything on my end.

And something seems a little wonky with the bump-depth, or maybe the way the light catches the bumps.
Last edited by Mike K4ICY on Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:36 pm

Re: Dev Diary

Brush#0 only works, if you've made images already [i] !!!
I wrote that a bunch of times in the info and elsewhere! ;)

I've just made another little update where you can choose brush image animation behavior ([>>] is iterating through the images, [pr] is pressure based).
I've also did minor adjustments like exponential pressure for the [pr] mode and exponential influence of the stretch factor for the canvas texture.

Funny, now that I've released this old version, I have these little ideas that I can't resist to hook up and try out. Sooo...let's see what else might happen. :? :shrug: :lol:
Here to help! :D
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Post Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:37 am

Re: Dev Diary

Alright, back to a post that really wants to be in my Dev Diary:

As I'm re-exploring the latest release version (v0.99v...which is really not a release version), I'm rediscovering things that I don't think I had released earlier.
One of them is the "Tilt" toggle that replaced the old "pen mode" toggle. This is now much more interesting and coherent. Turn it off and the brush rotation will follow your pen cursor just how it does the mouse. That's particularly useful with brush images, of course.
I also don't know, if I had "brush bias" used on Brush#9 in the older version? Now it works, while negative bias values pinch the brush horizontally and positive bias vertically. This, too, is fantastic with brush images.

Anyway, I wonder what else I did,'s so long ago and even a version before a set of internal versions without a usable interface... so, forgive me, if I sound a little demented. :? :P :D

Speaking of, you may find out that I have LOCKED this topic now, so that only I can write into it... I think, this is easier to handle for me. If you have feedback, ideas, reactions and all that, that's what I do have the community forum for! I hope you don't mind, if I'm being a little more :geek: right now, but it's worth a shot, I think.
Here to help! :D
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Post Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:02 pm

Re: Dev Diary

I've uploaded v0.99v.06, but it's only a tiny change to the border conditions for vectors. It went on my nerves how it used to work with all potential catastrophes, so I'm trying something a bit more trivial that acts less exciting, but also less problematic I find.
I've also stumbled across another little thing I may not have mentioned before, but [y] toggles fluid supersampling, which is quite cool! I should bring that to the gui somehow, too, haha. :oops: :)
Here to help! :D
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Post Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:41 pm

Re: Dev Diary

Dear Dev Diary,
sometimes it's really hard to make the silliest things work. Today I'm fighting with hacking up a simple image management, thinking of a nice logic within parts of my new gui ideas. For the most part it works astoundingly well, considering that I've created a kind of generic item system into which you could put anything from color swatches to images or even layers. But there are aspects of the squeezed in implementation that require more focus than I can muster up on a single day. All the little things that appear so silly, but require a complete awareness of seemingly countless aspects of the programming language, the logic behind its concepts, the concept of my own code and so on... and one little corner of a wrench, touching my spokes and the gears in my head stop turning... :shock: ...I'm getting old.

Anyhow, by the time I'll have my senses back, we'll have a nice little brush image management system. There's already a new mode for painting, using only a selected images instead of going through the sequence. I will add two more modes, all just temporary, but those will be per stroke like always the next image or a random image, somehow similar to the hue dancer. :)

Now my brains are back time! :PP 8-)
Here to help! :D
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Post Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:11 pm

Re: Dev Diary

...and then there are those days when you want to pull your hair out...violently! :PP ...but just as I mentally raise my hands to get a good tuck, I remember to calm down at least a little and resume carefully examining the logic. In fact, it's funny when one considers the possibility of programming without considering the logic. Yet, it happens.
I figure, it's when you feel safe and sound, only making this tiny tweak that happens to break something unexpected. Then coding becomes somewhat like a game of Jenga, really. Hmmm...come to think of it, it may very well be exactly like Jenga! You take one piece out somewhere and put it somewhere else. And things start shaking. Much like you may guess where it loses balance, you think it's just one little piece away from standing straight again. On and on it goes as you slowly drift into madness and the whole thing comes tumbling down. :o :evil:
Sooooooo...right before that happened I would collect myself, remember that it's all really, really simple and I should just clear my mind and look at it as if it was a fresh matter, not even a problem, just something that has to work properly, logically and "symbiotically" with the rest. Tadah! :P

Thing is (or "truth be told") I have two independent gui systems in there now: my old one, and fragments of my (then) new one. The new one is quite nice, actually, way more elegant and capable, but pulling the roots out by replacing all the old stuff would send me into exactly the state I was in when I pulled out myself last year to rethink it all. Sooooo, I juggle these two things now and it has its hellish moments (s.a.). :roll:

On the flip-side, when things start working, it gets just so very exciting. What I have for you next will be quite another nice leap in terms of functionality and ushers in a new paradigm for more things to come.
Here to help! :D
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Post Wed Feb 24, 2016 12:52 am

Re: Dev Diary

...and then, yes, then there are those days when everything is getting my excited attention, except the thing I was going to work on...
That means, the next release will have some other nice improvements besides the very big addition that I still will have to tackle. You can, however, already look forward to brush #6, which is yet again some more evolved and does stuff that I haven't seen anywhere else in quite that way. You'll be able to do fastest wriggles and circles and it will be smooth as can be. Still one more kink in there that I have to iron out, but other than that... wowsa. The fluid vectors are also now perfect, but there, too, I have some desires to improve it, if I can. It's definitely cool and a potential foundation for more brush improvements across the board.
The big thing, though, has nothing to do with brushes or painting and is my attempt to keep some more tasks inside Verve... and to make it attractive, too! 8-) it a can of worms? Yah, it very well is, hahaha, but I'm biting! :? :lol:
Here to help! :D
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Post Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:55 am

Re: Dev Diary

Oh style of programming is really that of evolution, gradually growing the code where it wants to. This brings with it the trouble of really, really having to refactor every now and then, cleaning it all up and pondering over a more elegant solution where things appear to grow out of control. This can become quite a daunting task as I have been stalling on that front for a little too long. ( I need a sweating emoticon! ) :shock:
Other than that, what I'm cultivating right now is really exciting and will very well be a noteworthy leap for Verve again. :)
...some things may be a bit wacky, though. I can only hope you'll continue to be as gentle with me as you always are! :oops: ;)
Here to help! :D
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Post Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:25 pm

Re: Dev Diary

So...I played around with the Cintiq companion again, which always puts me in a bad mood, and I noticed one silly difference between Verve and- say- PS: Photoshop shows the windows mouse cursor and Verve shows the actual cursor on the canvas, making it appear as though Verve was slower, while it really isn't. But it's really uncomfortable. So I turned off the cursor for a test and sure enough...same feeling of "speed" or rather delay as in PS. :P
The worst part, though, is that after playing around with it for a few minutes, switching back to a decent computer still has that feeling of delay's horrible! :evil: :|
Ah well...
...anyway, still got a few things to iron out, but a new version should come any day now!
Here to help! :D
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Post Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:53 pm

Re: Dev Diary

Oh, how I would love to share with you already what I'm working on right now, but it ain't done, yet... it'll be rather fancy, though, I think.
A few hours ago I had an idea on how to do a Lasso tool and it totally works! Except I still need to come up with a cool solution for the boolean operations, because it's quite different from Photoshop. It does make photoshop look yet a decade older, though, hehehehe... :twisted: :D
Then there's the other stuff I want to surprise you with, but it's still a whole lot of work. I think, it'll be quite, hmmm.... nice. 8-)
Here to help! :D
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