...and then there are those days when you want to pull your hair out...violently!

...but just as I mentally raise my hands to get a good tuck, I remember to calm down at least a little and resume carefully examining the logic. In fact, it's funny when one considers the possibility of programming without considering the logic. Yet, it happens.
I figure, it's when you feel safe and sound, only making this tiny tweak that happens to break something unexpected. Then coding becomes somewhat like a game of Jenga, really. Hmmm...come to think of it, it may very well be exactly like Jenga! You take one piece out somewhere and put it somewhere else. And things start shaking. Much like you may guess where it loses balance, you think it's just one little piece away from standing straight again. On and on it goes as you slowly drift into madness and the whole thing comes tumbling down.

Sooooooo...right before that happened I would collect myself, remember that it's all really, really simple and I should just clear my mind and look at it as if it was a fresh matter, not even a problem, just something that has to work properly, logically and "symbiotically" with the rest. Tadah!

Thing is (or "truth be told") I have two independent gui systems in there now: my old one, and fragments of my (then) new one. The new one is quite nice, actually, way more elegant and capable, but pulling the roots out by replacing all the old stuff would send me into exactly the state I was in when I pulled out myself last year to rethink it all. Sooooo, I juggle these two things now and it has its hellish moments (s.a.).

On the flip-side, when things start working, it gets just so very exciting. What I have for you next will be quite another nice leap in terms of functionality and ushers in a new paradigm for more things to come.