I love you!

(<< very late, very tired, but had to be said!)
Ok, here comes the longer version...
At the risk of repeating myself, this has been my greatest wish after I first realized Verve's concept. I was hoping that artists, who knew real painting would give it a try and could tell me, if I'm crazy, because I felt just that. I also know how much further I can still take it and what magic still waits for Verve to manifest so artists can use even more of their intuition and develop true conversations, a real connection with their art on the computer without feeling that the machine was in the way. Rather that they can allow themselves to embrace the nature of the computer. There's so much power and freedom laying in waiting on it, ready to finally offer its real potential to artists.
There is still a lot of work ahead, but it is artists like you, who give me the jolt of energy that makes me love doing this even more than I already do. See, that's where the short version of my reply comes from and it will always stand!

You have a wonderful, strong style and immediately show what motivates you creatively and I absolutely love that and can't wait to watch what else you will discover. Especially, though, I can't wait to see what you do once you are 100% comfortable and just let your artistic drive manifest freely. Brings me joy just to think about it!

Anyway, the time is approaching where I will resume Verve's development and everything I'm reading has an impact on me. A big deal will be customization along with some GUI and handling presets that people are already familiar with from other software, while maintaining the same intuitive access to features, which I believe make Verve as strong as it is. Some of it will be challenging, because it does do things that others don't and therefore begs for certain hotkey interactions that are rather unique. But we shall see how best to bridge the gap.
Your feedback will be invaluable, because it is very clear that you not only know what you're doing, but you know what you enjoy doing! This is the most important thing to me!

Again, I'm thrilled to have you on board and you are making me very, very happy!