Philosophy around Zeropainter's War

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Post Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:17 am

Philosophy around Zeropainter's War

Zeropainter wrote:My English is also not good ... :oops: so its hard to find right words, especially with this not easy theme. What about an Offtopic theme? ;) It was now very Offtopic ... hmmm .... I also know, how I can paint nice thunderclouds :ob for another artworks ...

Inspired by Zeropainter's picture of war...

I've moved the followed discussion into this forum to keep his gallery clean, while we can continue to think and talk about it right here!
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Post Mon Sep 22, 2014 7:50 am

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

* --{--@ *
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Post Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:04 am

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

Unfortunately, you are right guys. Scary time.. :-( Ukraine, Syria, Palestina, Egypt, Mexico, .. I wish to have world with no war, but it is still impossible..

Cool picture Zero and happy birthday! :) :beer:
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Post Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:47 pm

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

Thank so much for greetings and so much for your critics - to my last artwork ... yes, a world without wars and killings each others would so nice, but still some humans are really bad with a lot of power and greedy for money :shrug:

ps. they should spend their money in health, education and in artworks and not in weapons :rock:
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my youtube channel: zeropainter - ok, there are only 2-3 very short videos
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Post Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:45 pm

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

I'm trying to hold back on hijacking your thread here, but if we dare to, we can totally start a community thread on that and other topics, too! :|
War is not about greed, but about control and maintaining a system as much as ensuring dominance for that purpose. As long as the present systems rule, wars will keep coming, because it's a violent and oppressive set of systems. Some still think that there would be freedom in any of them, but there's none. We have partially gained enough maturity to recognize that resources are not scarce in this world and we could totally organize ourselves to truly live consciously and free. But it would destroy the reigning philosophy by its very roots. If you wanted to sum up the reason for war in one word it would have to be "fear". It's not yours or mine, though, but fear of the human leadership to lose their grip on life as they know it and they'd throw all the arguments at you that they feed you with every piece of entertainment, from movies to news, from documentaries to self-help literature, from science to religion. Until we wake up and recognize that we are a singular universal substance, designed to function with much greater power than any single nation can hope to accumulate, let alone any single entity amongst us, we will fight the fight to keep our blindness in charge and submit to this fear.
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Post Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:11 pm

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

You are an extremely wise man Taron.
Way beyond your years.
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Post Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:40 pm

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

>> War is not about greed, but about control and maintaining a system as much as ensuring dominance for that purpose.

Yes, I totally agree. Very good comment Taron!

I would add that the next sources of the problems are poverty and religions.. Disbalance is always source of the fights and wars. Unfortunately I am pretty sure that total harmony is not possible in terms of the human being..

Yes, this topic would deserve its own thread. Zero needn´t have to be lucky to talk more about war and philosphy instead of his great art in his thread.
Unfortunately my English is not good enough to express exactly what I want but I can try :)

Good night guys and calm in your souls and minds. Don´t let to attack your enthusiasm and talent with the words and wars..
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Post Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:12 pm

Re: Re: Zeropainter - GFX

Poverty is a product of artificial scarcity, the assignment of provisions and prohibition of using resources that otherwise would be available to people along side a life style native to its environment. There are roughly speaking two layers to each system; the face of it and the true body behind it. Democracy and Communism are prime examples for that, offering an agenda people would recognize and accept, while the true purpose of it is control and management, which people do not recognize, but still accept. Binding all current major systems is the financial component, creating an abstract dependency that people are made to accept as fundamental resource for survival and that justifies rationing of goods outside of any reasonable or natural logic. In other words, we're living in a time when people have to buy their own lives only a stone's throw away from having to purchase the air to breathe. Most of us, privileged enough to read on this very forum, don't fully appreciate the depth of this oppressive dependency, because we're all doing fine more or less. Or so we think.
Anyway, if we really recognized the madness of it all, the systems would altogether break into pieces immediately. But we're still conditioned to believe in "fairness" and competition and all that jazz that screws with our peace of mind. If you somehow manage to do well, feel well and enjoy your life, why would you envy someone, who did less or just something else in order to do well or have things you don't have, while you don't need them to begin with. But we're groomed to consider this as "unfair" and it's the first thing that could set us off against each other. We're are groomed never to be content, even while we could very well be already. That is the most elegant way of keeping people from rebelling against the currently active system, because we'd go nuts without anything that upholds the little bit of "fairness" we are concerned about. Looking at filthy rich bankers only mildly troubles us, but if the neighbor had some fortune or would buy himself something he shouldn't be able to afford, we're ready to erupt. People are made to look at other people according to their status. Those on a different level than our own are automatically excluded from our immediate concerns. That's all part of the design. In our desire to be respected as much as we fear the upper echelon, we enjoy to identify those "below" our own status and are inspired to declare others as being of lower status for that purpose.
In short: We are made to fight each other rather than recognize who we truly are to each other.
Most major religions in their root scriptures try to teach all that we're one and the same and should love and respect each other, even marvel at the universal power of life as we meet any other human being. Yes, yes, we're spoiled enough to recognize stupidity, when we see it, hahaha, it's still one heck of an amazing creature, technically. If taught right, every degree of intelligence would find a productive pursuit and offer love and help to others.
But what did the fearful leadership of each society do? They took the religions and turned them into oppressive dogma, war cries to those who dare question their "belief". But it's not about any belief then and people don't figure it out. The "belief" is a motivator to adhere to the respective system, method of organization. Each individual system appears to have the desire to rule the world, because that way their organization will be consistent through-out the world. Every now and then the leaders of all systems gather, working out ways to narrow down some universal form of control, which could satisfy some of the root concepts behind all of them. Luckily there is one thing they've all adopted: Money! So the first uniting element should be a global currency. But the way the systems deal with money is very different. The major difference is not between capitalism and communism, but between western concepts and Islamic (and internal Jewish) concepts. The western concept is ruthless against each other, putting interest on anything, even the use of the currency itself. The Islamic system does not charge interest, roughly speaking, and is in that specific regard far more friendly to its people, because it understands that the people are the system. At the same time that causes other troubles, of course, because the system is not meant to fail its principles can imagine that this can turn rough quite quickly. The western system truly and sincerely gives a shit about its people and people don't see that for a second. Some talk about social aspects to their system, referring to insurances and other institutions that should keep those in need above water. But who tossed them into the water to begin with, nobody questions that.
ANYHOW, so that's why the current wars are coming and on-going. Its a war of control systems. It has nothing to do with poverty or greed, but this we are made to understand, so media finds ways to support those ideas. It couldn't be further from the truth.

Uh, well... I'm taking full advantage of our new Off Topic section to kick things off, haha... soooo...don't hold back! ;)
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Post Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:42 am

Re: Zeropainter - GFX

Thank you for your comment Taron! I agree almost everything you mentioned. I would like to reply and comment just now but I need more time, eh, hurry in work.. And my bad english takes more time to write something readable.. But I am going to comment your great thoughts soon!

I remember I saw next philosophy topic earlier somewhere in this board and I think you post nice thoughts there too. It was about music vs painting I think. Could you place that topic to this forum too, Taron?

Have a nice day and weekend to all here and there!
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Post Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:33 pm

Re: Re: Zeropainter - GFX

معذرت میخواهم که مطالب متفرقه را در گالری مطرح کردم
اما از نظم و تفکیک بیشتر خوشحال شدم
نوشته های شما اینقدر زیاد هست که اصلا فکر ترجمه را هم نخواهم کرد!
من را ببخشید دوست داشتم همراهی کنم
ولی مطمئن هستم روح و روحیه هنرمندان لطیف و انسانی و زیبا و متین هست
من از لبخندهای همگانی و شادی های ماندگار لذت میبرم
با آرزوی شادی برای همه

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