Totally safe home for us artists...

Philosophy, Politics, Humor, what ever should have its own place far, far away from galleries and feedback... here we can go for it almost shamelessly! :)

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More than anywhere on this forum I'd ask you all to be courteous and respectful to each other, but don't hesitate to speak your mind! :geek:
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Post Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:10 pm

Totally safe home for us artists...

Dear artists,

we have a place here to share our art, share our ideas about art and all things creative, even philosophy. But this is no place for propaganda, or any place to pull things into here that we will all be ashamed about later for reasons other than artistic evolution ( :hihi: ), let the world lie to you out there in the world, but don't let those things get into here, which will herd you into the very end of your freedom and your sanity.
I will not tolerate it! :uhuhuh:

No discussion about viruses here of any kind. Bad enough poor Verve has to fight with the anti-virus mafia out there from the very get-go. And even that was based on lies! :ud:
SO, fear not, figure out the truth on these things- and so much more- by looking at things you are not being told out there and enjoy the truth we can rely on, which we have right here. You are creators, you are souls that are so close to understanding why you are here, even if you may not understand what you truly are while you are here, but you can feel your calling and you can love following it!

Relax, don't let the world confuse you, have faith in the people you truly know, figure out who they are and know that you must have shaken their hand or- at the very least- know that they looked you in the eyes. If they forward bullshit they've seen on tv or read in the papers, forgive them, but never stop caring about what you will learn from their hearts and trust in their real experiences. Above all: Trust in your own experiences, don't let anyone tell you what they are, and trust in your own mind, don't let anyone tell you what to think! You will be as right as rain! :ob
Here to help! :D
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Post Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:57 pm

Re: Totally safe home for us artists...

You're a zen w :beer: ise man on the way... :beer:
Is beautiful that please without concept!
Latop: Geforce GTX 950M, Intel Quad Core i7, Windows 10, 8 Gigas, 2.4ghz

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