" why is Verve still in beta? It absolutely deserves to be a release in the state it is "
I try to refrain from pushing this topic because I know its a bit more complicated that calling Version 1.0 and throwing it out into the world.
But you seemed open and receptive to such encouragement so Im going to throw in my two cents.
The task of refining all features and resolving outstanding issues is no doubt daunting and perhaps debilitating. But I would suggest that much of the deeper functionality is not essential and a simpler approach to the initial offering might make things more manageable and practical...for you and even for new users

The magic of Verve and what still makes it unique amongst paint software ( for now) is its most basic quality of fluid painting which has been present from the beginning. Which is to say that all most people want, need and expect is a wonderful paint experience and a clean simple interface. As far as Im concerned that could mean as little as a single layer, basic colour picker, one great brush, a few brush shapes ( flat, round, square) and paint,smudge,erase functions. These simple tools as they exist in Verve cover ALOT of wonderful ground,can go a long way and would make most people very happy.
Perhaps a marketing approach could be to have this BASIC version available for free or minimal cost and then
allow for additional "PRO" features ( layers,masking,custom brushes,colour sets etc...if and when they are ready) to be unlocked through in app purchase or initial purchase.
This would at least get Verve out into the world ...and while it may not be a pro tool initially..it will certainly make a splash and become a part of the game. I have heard you express the desire to make it available for tablet devices. This is obviously where Verve wants to live !....and if its possible it should be done...if there are too many roadblocks then it will stay on destktop pc. Either way, as Lemi says....it should have a life beyond its current circle of followers. It deserves as much...and god only knows you deserve some compensation for your brilliant creation Taron!

While Im trying to tame real world paint and get my hands dirty these days....the paintings I create in Verve still serve as the basis and inspiration for my canvas paintings. Long live Verve!!!!!
A million thanks for all your wonderful work Taron