Brush Settings & Configurations

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Post Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:39 pm

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

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Post Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:53 pm

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

Here are my Brush Settings for #6 and #1:

mostly I use simple round brushes - so I like to set my brush #6 to Bias 98-99 (100 would be to hard I think) => that means brush #6 is my hard brush and brush #1 I like to set as my soft brush, but the round brush #1 is different to #6 in the behaviour - so I use also brush #1 as my hard brush and #6 my soft round, e.g. the brush #1 makes stipples - even with bristles 100 - brush 6# dont makes stipples with Bristles 100 but brush #1 can made stipples even with Bristles 100, so in my eyes #6 better for sketches/lineart.

For #7 I use also often Bias 100, hard ege - for nice squared-shapes or for creating Mountain silhouettes.
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Post Wed Nov 29, 2017 6:49 pm

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

Perhaps, this is upcoming, or maybe I am missing something, but is it possible to adjust the bristle/particle size for brush 9? I've noticed this brush can look amazing at lower resolutions, but it doesn't tend to scale well for higher resolutions and brush sizes. Or maybe does this go against the principle of the brush itself?
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Post Thu Nov 30, 2017 9:54 am

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

Ehhh, yeah, thing is with brush #9 that it is line based! While I could scale the line size, it would only go so far and look very ugly. I could write my own cute code, too, replacing lines with geometries of my design, but it would be considerably more expensive and adds additional complication, because it may look like a whole bunch of tiny brush #7s, you know... really tricky stuff.
So, the principle of brush#9 is the simple use of lines, which allows for its amazing flexibility, speed and consistency.

But don't think I'm giving up on making a perfect brush #7 and #8, which would then suggest a perfectly sizable brush#9, too.

Before you go:"But what about brush #6, that works beautifully, doesn't it?!" ....yes, it does, but it would be way, way, waaaay too slow to handle 100s of bristles. These are actually repeated dots rather than a line geometry. This gives it and most of the other brushes their special powers, but at a cost, too.
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Post Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:00 am

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

Turning on „High SPEED“ Switch, dot, whatever... in upper right corner is giving you some extra density. Depending on your graphiccard for sure. You obvious will notice the difference while using the image brush.
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Post Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:31 am

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

Dang, that reminds me to look at brush#6 again, when HIGH SPEED is on! :oops: ...still kinda broken, then.
*huh?!? Seems to fine right now? Very strange... anyway... guess I somehow "fixed" it! :shrug: :hihi:
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Post Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:18 pm

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

Hmmm, then I guess my question would be.. is it possible to scale up the number of bristles with the scale of the brush in order to preserve the bristle density throughout brush size? Also, is it possible to increase the range of the bristle dial to allow for more bristles so that the brush isn't so thin at larger resolutions? (even at 100% Bristles, the brush is still too thin when the brush is enlarged at high resolution)
System: 2.8 GHz Q. Core Xeon E5462 x2 / EVGA GeForce GTX 770 / Windows 7 / 6GB Ram
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Post Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:29 pm

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

Yes, yes, that would be an option, I mean a kind of toggle to preserve density. If i just allow for more bristles, it could get very messy. The other thing to consider, though, is still the processing time this could potentially require, but I could totally ignore that, of course. 8-) :D
It's nice to think about the very basics again like that, Clay, thanks! :ob
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Post Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:39 pm

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

Ooooo, that would be a lovely toggle, indeed!
System: 2.8 GHz Q. Core Xeon E5462 x2 / EVGA GeForce GTX 770 / Windows 7 / 6GB Ram
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Post Thu Nov 30, 2017 4:58 pm

Re: Brush Settings & Configurations

You should write your system specs into your signature, Clay! I just realized a nice way to experience the processing effort of more bristles:
- turn on HIGH SPEED
- turn fluidity to 100% and drying speed to 0%
- brush#9 turn bristle amount to 25% and paint around, watch the fluids...yay...
- brush#9 turn bristle amount to 100% and now paint and see how the fluids slow down during painting!? That's how much it takes to process the current max amount of bristles.
Here to help! :D
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