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Image Brush Part 4 - Image Brush Menu
This picture tries to explain the image brush menu, as far I know it.
Ready made image brushes
To play around with some ready made image brushes, you may want to go to this thread and download some image brushes, unfortunately hidden in the forum nirvana:
I really do hope this is a help to explore the fantastic features of the image brushes. Even though it's far from finished, it already shows how much power taron put into this.
The explanation from taron's manual with hotkeys to complete this collection:
BRUSH IMAGES (image brush)
Currently brush images are just experimental and work with brush #9 and #0.
Brush images are like animation frames. You can keep adding images and they will playback as you paint. There is no management for them, yet, but you can save and load your brush image sequences already!
Please, be patient and careful when you operate the hotkeys, not because there's any problem with it, but because it's a little weird. There are no indicators for modes or any stuff that one should expect, yet, so it's all very, very "garage" or "laboratory"...but still enjoyable, hehe, you may see!?
[i] to add new brush image and toggle on brush image edit. It opens a little rectangular selector. More on that one further down!
[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[i] toggles color mode, either using the original colors of the images, tinted by current color, or only use current color, ignoring image colors.
brush image edit ACTIVE:
[Shift]+[i] deletes only the previous image. [don't ask, I wasn't done, yet!]
[Ctrl]+[i] paste currently active brush image. [all just remains of my tests]
[j] toggles perspective transformation on/off, approximating the perspective of the image taken as suggested by your selector rectangle.
Hoover over an image and CTRL+LMB click to delete exact this picture
brush image edit OFF:
[Shift]+[i] to delete all images. [all still temporary]
[Ctrl]+[i] toggles paint modes. When ON it will use the color and material of the image. When OFF it will flatten the material. Using Average when OFF works like standard Average blending. When ON Average samples the color in the center of the brush and paints the complete image tinted by that color!
brushes that use images:
Brush #9 with images... well, you'll see, it will just paint with the image spread across the bristles. (Crazy fun, if you know what you're doing!)
Brush #0 only works with images. If there is no image, it will not draw anything!!! The little brush interface dials will do very specific things to this brush. Go explore, hehe! I'll explain more later, I promise!