Vervette Fluid Sandbox...

Here's a little Christmas gift for all of you:
Taron Art on Pinterest
It's merely a little sandbox for fluid dynamics which I've started about a week ago. It does not reflect at all the scope of features you will be able to expect from Vervette, but it's super fun to play with already and I just can't keep it to myself!

Currently it is locked to 1080HD (1920x1080). You can always hit F11 on your browser to go fullscreen, especially if your display is only 1920x1080.
Here's a little MANUAL:
Hotkeys Defaults (Can be customized!)

• [F] toggles fluids on/off
• [G] freeze fluids
• [L] toggles light placement mode on/off. When it's on, just move the mouse to move the light or press and drag to set the light height above the canvas.
• [M] toggle through paintModes: Replace, Additive, Multiply, Overlay, Colorize
• [T] toggle texture on/off
• [Shift]+[T] invert texture
• [D] toggle dithering on/off
• [Q] [W] [E] are color storage. Once you've chosen one, if you pick or set a color, it will be stored there.
• [A] set Color black (will not replace stored colors). If you pick or set a color afterwards, it won't get stored!
• [S] set Color white black above!
• [R] toggle Brush Size Dynamic/Fixed
• [Shift] just like in Verve, it will smudge without adding any color
• [Alt] pick color
• [Tab] toggle GUI display
• [Shift]+[Tab] toggle Cursor Display
• [Delete] clear canvas
• [Shift]+[Delete] fill canvas with current color
• [brackets] [[] []] photoshop-style brush size decrease/increase
• [Control]+[Z] undo
• [Control]+[Shift]+[Z] redo
• [N] toggles RANDOM HUE. Preserves current Saturation and Lightness. Therefore have some color before using [N]. Just hit [Q] first, or so... (For Pilou)

• [1] PaintMode: Replace
• [2] PaintMode: Add
• [3] PaintMode: Multiply
• [4] PaintMode: Overlay
• [5] PaintMode: Colorize
• [Space] or Middle Mouse Button to pan
Click on the Caption of most GUI elements to collapse/expand its body.
RGB / HSL toggles sliders between RGB and HSL
PICK toggles on/off color picker mode
COLOR SWATCHES choose any of those three slots to activate it for use and storing of a color.
You can click on the big color area to alter paintModes just like key [M] does.
RANDOM HUE toggles the animation of random color hues based on the currently active color! [N]
RANDOM HUE SLIDER 1 rate of hue change (fades from one hue to the next at the chosen speed)
RANDOM HUE SLIDER 2 amount of hue change
Brush Settings
OPACITY Slider is clear, I assume. Sets the opacity of the color you paint with!!!
MATTER goes from -1.0 to +1.0 and acts as multiplier for your material application. Double Click on MATTER to set it to Zero!
NOISE Sliders control the currently fixed noise texture which acts almost like a stencil.
Noise SCALE- controls the scaling of the noise hash sampling
Noise DETAIL- controls strength of details (strength of higher octaves) and contrast (dimishes below 75%)
Noise THRESHOLD - controls spikiness, sets the black level, similar to offsetting black under a histogram.
NOISE PREVIEW click and drag to offset noise position. Double click to invert noise! TIP: [Shift] + [your hotkey for "Texture"] will invert the texture, too!
SOFTNESS is the softness of the brush tip
SIZE (DYN/FIX) well... the brush size and a button to switch between Dynamic Size (based on stroke speed) and Fixed Size!
Fluid Settings
Motion Replace toggles the brush vector application behavior.
• Replace = your stroke speed replaces the fluid vectors already present.
• Additive = adds your stroke speed to the fluids...sometimes cool, sometimes annoying
Auto Stop toggles with Continue, setting after stroke behavior.
• Auto stop will stop the fluids after your lift your brush
• Continue will let the fluids continue after you lift your brush
Speed controls the "speed" of the fluids, but it does a number of things together, also controlling curling, but I will separate plenty of parameters later on.
Smudge controls the blending of fluids similar to Verve, but almost better in a way...strange. It does not do pretty color chroma blending, though, so... don't expect too much!
Slip inverse multiplies velocity transfer from brush into fluids. The higher the value, the less velocity gets transferred. Delicious!
Lighting Settings
• Computed Light turns on computed light source
• Material Image lets you pick an image, used as normal mapped image based light source
• Refraction Image uses the chosen image and refracts it through the paint. Hue of paint colors will alter refractive index.
• DISTANCE is an imaginary distance of the camera to the illumination image (kinda acts like a zoom, but... it sort of is one, too, haha)

• BUMP controls the bump height
Opens a little window with all the keyboard shortcuts. You can change them, but currently it will not save them as I don't offer cookies and there's no account system here.
That was pretty much it. I hope, you will have some fun with it already and that you catch some of my own excitement regarding the evolution of Vervette!

• FORUM - MANUAL brings you here...

• CLEAR button to clear like [Delete]
• FILL button to fill canvas like [Shift]+[Delete]