Hi youdai,
thank you for reporting those bugs. There are a few more, too, which slipped through, but all of those are either fixed already or will be fixed in the coming v1.0. However, once I'm done with the commercial version, which then should be bug-free, I will prepare a free version of it and post it for direct download.
• would you mind showing me the
"new layer, darker color" issue? Because I can't see that happening here.
• custom brush image selection display is already fixed in the new version. That's a very old bug, by the way.
• v099w08 doesn't work on many graphics cards and had severe troubles. I don't even remember a .w09 version?!

Maybe I had fixed some GL issues there. Must still be on my broken machine, but I still have to grab the data from it.
• one more bug that was fixed was using dial widgets when the GUI is hidden. This is also fixed.
The commercial version of Verve will come in a few months. Currently we are in the middle of a big move, which is why I can't be active for a week or two. But I'll take a look at everything and see that even the free version runs smoothly!
Thank you, again, and please do show me that layer problem. I'm very curious!
(DeepL.com translation...)

- 新しいレイヤーで描画色が濃くなる」問題の例を見せていただけますか?ここではそのようなことは起こりません。
- カスタムブラシの画像選択表示は、新しいバージョンですでに修正されています。ちなみに、これは非常に古いバグです。
- v099w08は多くのグラフィックカードで動作せず、深刻なトラブルがありました。.w09のバージョンも覚えていない!多分、私はそこでいくつかのGLの問題を修正したのだろう。まだ私の壊れたマシンにあるはずだが、そこからデータを取り出さなければならない。
- もう一つ修正されたバグは、GUIが隠れているときにダイヤルウィジェットを使うことだった。これも修正された。