Intars' gallery
I decided that I am in position to finally share some new work which may be of interest to all of you here and encourage to say whatever you think about this work - especially the content

But here is something to consider - what motivated me and took quiet a time on my side since was a reeeealy strong wish to give it a try and utilize layering of verve for the purpose of some 2.5D-like animation

Since at my root core and cause of my artistry I am into animation no matter what and I sometimes feel a desperate need to create some animated work but 3D for stand alone person is, .... well

attempted to go for and finish one from A to Z could insert here ............. what it is that it takes to get one done - I found my way out of desperation to create something with a time dimension in it with our almighty verve

What is even more funny is that this project grew just suddenly and it's roots lies in Taron's very first Tutorial posted on verve. Intention was to train and get some warm up in verve after brief period of not touching it.
Taron was drawing blue skies there, than mountains and later he added sun and foliage which resulted in cool image which I decided to reproduce 1:1 for a training purpose. You can see blue skies very similar in my image.
It is almost 1:1 like Taron's in his Tutorial

It is somewhere there, where heck knows what happened and I went this little unplanned but desperately needed journey.
Here is the foundational verve-paint