Re: Intars' gallery
went deadly tournament mode and painting had to wait its final polishing touches. So now, more than two years later, after releasing and finishing previous images, finally
next goes this one which is personal and symbolic simultaneously on many psychological levels because this is painting of my childhood and early youth yard after all

Finished remaining 10% of the drawing yesterday (5th Jan 2021).
Taron, once again i must praise your software for its incredible toolset and brush engine

I remember - when i was painting this on Dec of 2019 (which means it was final month before semester exams session of my second study year), i was amazed how intuitively
verve-painter felt and allowed me to rapidly paint just out of memory, not slowing me down in any considerable way. This painting by no means is masterpiece or technical
marvel, its creation spans two sessions in two separate days only (separated by two years). Still, it was the very first time i realized in detailed manner that verve-painter
enables foundation for a necessary psychological condition under which mind receives a strong readiness to jump in and paint straight out of memory, rapidly, quickly, decisively
and with lessened procrastination factors - a combination, needed to enable painting something personal, something from memories which are detailed but at the same time foggy,
very vivid, but at the same time incomplete in some details; very dense but at the same time fragile once you try to 'pick up' maximum details or remember smallest nuances. So,
its challenging to paint dedicated memories (probably of the memories, i should say) and verve-painter feels immensely enabling in that regard. This second drawing of my yard
had only two layers with one of them holding approx. 90-95% of information. So, it was mostly all about intuition, direct session and direct interface to the memory in the brain
without preparations and without careful layering.
So thanks for this tool once again, Taron!
Folks, hope you like and get good emotions from this drawing. The grass was greener in our childhoods, didn't it