Intars' gallery

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Post Sat Aug 26, 2023 10:09 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

Aha, yeah, probably won't have the wintab drivers recognize a tablet and consider it a mouse. Well, at least it works! Yay! :ob
Here to help! :D
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Post Mon Aug 28, 2023 1:41 pm

Re: Intars' gallery


no, hadn't tried running verve on Linux yet. So far and for now I hadn't tried messing and running any creative software with serious tech specs requirements on my Linux
machine because for my experimental quest into and studies of Linux system I have currently quite old Lenovo Thinkpad notebook only; its specs in short are
2 Intel Core Duo CPU P8600 with 2.40 GHz, 4 GB RAM and some kind of Intel integrated Mobile 4 series chipset integrated graphics controller. For programming and system
studies this old machine totally usable and works great. From graphics-intense (kind of) software I only tried launching one game, SuperTux and digital electronics emulator
Logisim Evolution to check graphics performances of some sort - both worked good. In some time, once i get my hands and brain on this Wine thing and how to run Windows
programs in Linux i will surely try to launch my favorite forever painting program even from there.

But for now, i brought with me one new work. It is admittedly a rather quickly created abstract, freestyle and improvised on the go new drawing as part of my challenge
to use brush #6 exclusively; no other brushes has been used in any slightest way here. I myself don't know what is painted here, its nothing concrete, there is no specific
thought - jus something vague. With this i don't end my brush #6 challenge: i will try it also in something with less abstraction and more precise forms and meaning.

I think i start getting rid of my bias of avoidance towards brush #6. No idea why i always tried to avoid it :shrug:
verve-painting - some abstraction, structures and forms (28 aug 2023).jpg
verve-painting - some abstraction, structures and forms (28 aug 2023).jpg (148.81 KiB) Viewed 25678 times
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Post Mon Aug 28, 2023 2:05 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

Hahahaha, yeah, honestly, I hardly ever use #6 myself. There are situations where it is the best option and great, but I rarely run into them. Ideally it is for totally dry "drawing" rather than painting. Anyway, things will change sooner or later.
To me this looks like an underwater scene with some peculiar diving bell type submarine, having landed near a magical deep-sea coral gate of sorts. Behind it are ancient structures that appear to have sunken to the ground, possibly a kind of enormous defense grid against even more enormous creatures that used to roam these depths.
In a way the diving bell also could be a fairly translucent tent of sorts, because it feels like one could make out a lying figure inside, maybe even two. :shrug: ....definitely entertaining to analyze this one and let it inspire ideas. I like it! :ob c:!
Here to help! :D
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Post Mon Aug 28, 2023 3:16 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

hi intars c:!
I didn't know much about people using linux so I'm glad :hug:
if you like this kind of stuff nixos killed me many times
give it a try if you like programming you might like it
without knowledge of programming thinking, I had no chance :PP :hyper: :PP :hyper: :mrgreen:
but the fun was better than gentoo/funtoo...
System info: NVidia GTX1080, i7 6700, Win10
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Post Tue Sep 19, 2023 8:01 am

Re: Intars' gallery

about the underwater scene and associated read of ancient structures sunken to the ground - haven't thought and looked on it like that myself. Somehow I like the idea.
Haa :hihi: - that about interpretation about possible tent and lying person; hilarious - hadn't even clue myself that something like that could be indeed projected there.

slowly, only really slowly I take myself into Linux so I don't have to become overwhelmed by too many failures, unknowns and confusions on too many fronts at once.
I look on Gentoo as a probable candidate on my planned at some point in time a study 'descent' into Linux kernel and its technological setup through virtual machine sandbox
so to get some sort of intuition and first rough approximation of this software-techno-artifact, this kernel, which enables whole operating system to exist and operate. For now
For now I just got only through some experience of dealing with QEMU virtual machine launch tries.

As for verve, I am here back with one of my new work pieces. I continued my challenge of using only brush 6 exceptionally.
Here is the new result; I somewhat continued in a slight degree some aspects from the previous drawing - there was this crystal thing there, now I decided to address this
entity in a separate manner. Original verve-painting was done on extremely small resolution (256 x 226) as an ongoing experiment on my side to accumulate intuition
of verve at those pixelated resolutions level; final result is upscaled and signed (with signature) in GIMP with no interpolations and coloring/contrast tweaks for image
whatsoever in order to preserve the original result.
5 years ago I was in one natural history/paleontology museum where I saw crystals like that and i immediately knew that one day I will be painting/drawing them for sure.
It is very possible that next verve-painting will also be another crystal like that; this one was more like a quick study and brush 6 challenge continuation. I hope none of you
have anything against crystals in art so there won't be any tomatoes now thrown against me. You can go against my drawing and the way how I drew the image but you just can't
have anything against such natural artistic artifact as such crystal because it looks too cool (and here I mean the real-life thing) :bow:
verve-painting - crystal mineral-1 (19 sep 2023)_web_version.jpg
verve-painting - crystal mineral-1 (19 sep 2023)_web_version.jpg (178.46 KiB) Viewed 25578 times
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Post Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:12 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

My concluding verve-painting for a crystal's theme and my short quest of using only brush #6 inside verve.
It was interesting to experiment and focus on one particular brush to get more intuition on it.
verve-painting - crystal mineral-2 (6oct-26nov 2023)_web.jpg
crystal mineral-2 (mysterious mountain)
verve-painting - crystal mineral-2 (6oct-26nov 2023)_web.jpg (230.82 KiB) Viewed 25192 times
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Post Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:52 am

Re: Intars' gallery

Very successful crystal impression, Intars, great job! #6 is really strong for things such as writing or whatever requires clean strokes. As it is, it puts all the decisions into your hands and tries to faithfully follow your command. That makes it more challenging to get textures or other funky effects, leaving it all to you. And you've done a great job with those crystals, that's for sure! c:!
Here to help! :D
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Post Tue Nov 28, 2023 2:56 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

Now i know my lesson in vervepainter - i should know all of its brushes :idea:
For others here: Taron gave best summary, concise description of brush #6; its dynamics fit the description perfectly.
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Post Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:19 am

Re: Intars' gallery

New digital painting. Was studying this morning one book about soviet era Latvian chess master/professional Alvis Vitolinsh and some of his chess games (i also play chess).
After appreciation of some of his early recorded creativity, decided it's time for some quick chess-themed verve-painting.
(Original verve resolution: w226 h276, it is low-res on purpose; only one minor contrast tune-up and signature in Gimp)
verve-painting - abstract representation of Alvis Vitolinshs chess move b5 (16 janv 2024)_web.jpg
verve-painting - abstract representation of Alvis Vitolinshs chess move b5 (16 janv 2024)_web.jpg (112.57 KiB) Viewed 19234 times
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Post Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:39 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

Very contemplative, hehe, nice! c:!
It's been many years since last I played chess. Used to enjoy it a lot, though. :ob
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11 | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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