Intars' gallery

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Post Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:21 am

Re: Intars' gallery

Here goes the second verve-painting dedicated to the yard. It was also started and mostly, around 90% finished in one go back in 8 Dec 2019 but then the university studies
went deadly tournament mode and painting had to wait its final polishing touches. So now, more than two years later, after releasing and finishing previous images, finally
next goes this one which is personal and symbolic simultaneously on many psychological levels because this is painting of my childhood and early youth yard after all :)
Finished remaining 10% of the drawing yesterday (5th Jan 2021).

Taron, once again i must praise your software for its incredible toolset and brush engine :hug:
I remember - when i was painting this on Dec of 2019 (which means it was final month before semester exams session of my second study year), i was amazed how intuitively
verve-painter felt and allowed me to rapidly paint just out of memory, not slowing me down in any considerable way. This painting by no means is masterpiece or technical
marvel, its creation spans two sessions in two separate days only (separated by two years). Still, it was the very first time i realized in detailed manner that verve-painter
enables foundation for a necessary psychological condition under which mind receives a strong readiness to jump in and paint straight out of memory, rapidly, quickly, decisively
and with lessened procrastination factors - a combination, needed to enable painting something personal, something from memories which are detailed but at the same time foggy,
very vivid, but at the same time incomplete in some details; very dense but at the same time fragile once you try to 'pick up' maximum details or remember smallest nuances. So,
its challenging to paint dedicated memories (probably of the memories, i should say) and verve-painter feels immensely enabling in that regard. This second drawing of my yard
had only two layers with one of them holding approx. 90-95% of information. So, it was mostly all about intuition, direct session and direct interface to the memory in the brain
without preparations and without careful layering.

So thanks for this tool once again, Taron!
Folks, hope you like and get good emotions from this drawing. The grass was greener in our childhoods, didn't it 8-) ?
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Post Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:34 am

Re: Intars' gallery

NICE, what a fun reveal with the perspective! :D :ob
Well, while I'm aware that many features still will have to find their way into Verve and I'm excited to eventually get to them, too, there is really a certain power to the instrumental nature of it as it is. It does put you into the driver seat as an artist, doesn't it. And there are quite a few ways of how one can get lost inside a painting with Verve.
Thank you for sharing your journey, Intars! c:! :hug:
Here to help! :D
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Post Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:06 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

Cool perspective Intars
now I see an orthographic artwork in this style would be really cool, I must insist that a video game with this style would be great as well, I've seen great pixel art videogames the past year.
System: Intel Core i7-13700K, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 16GB, CORSAIR Vengeance DDR5 32GB, Windows 11
Verve Wishlist:
-LSH color pallete
-Brightness Knob
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Post Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:33 am

Re: Intars' gallery

Thanks, guys.

This next piece of drawing is something different this time. It is based on pencil drawing-sketch made also back in time, during university studies, somewhere around
2018 year at some point. Finally, few years later :? i finished it as it was originally planned to be finished - by digitally coloring it totally in verve-painter. Just did
this coloring finally few days ago, 9-10 January 2022. Wanted to make out childhood's another favorite actor's and on his character based NES 8bit game's some fan art.
My intention was precisely to keep paper grid intact and add colors as semi-transparent layer only, i painted in layer mode's in verve.

One funny thing with this drawing (so we can have little laugh): when i was drawing pencil sketch, at that time i assumed that there most probably, in one quality level
or another, exists a myriad of fan arts for Jackie Chan and for this game as well; i didn't bother much and probably hadn't time to sit for few hours and surf the web out
of curiosity during studies. I do remember that i had used game screenshots, had watched one Youtube video of this game and then quickly slapped this composition with
game character's and that was it. Well, now in January 2022 before starting to do experimental coloring in verve-painter, i finally did took curiosity 'travel' on internet
to find what fan art to this game really is like, what kind of drawings exist and what attention did it get in many years since its release on NES. It turns out that fan art
is basically 0. Ok, that's understandable - the game wasn't that popular or epic by itself back than in a context. But what is more funny and made me laugh for some
time, is the fact that, as it turns out :shock: , there do exists 1 drawing made by somebody else and posted on DeviantArt, and approximately and on basic scenic
arrangement's level is almost identical. Other artist's drawing was made and published on 2020, way before me, and i assure you i hadn't seen it previously ever, neither
i had posted in any format my original pencil drawing. Funny is, that somehow both of us identically decided that for sure in this game's fan art drawing there must be
cloud scenic level and this cloud-thing boss and Jackie in his move :roll: So there you go - a good time to remind that whatever you imagine today, somebody already
drew it somewhere with real probabilities :hihi:

(This other artist is LeLunien on DeviantArt, and you have to look-up for his drawing "Bouncing Dragon (Jackie Chan Action Kung-Fu)" from Oct 2020 to see what i mean.
I find it pretty good, as a very stylish pencil drawing for the game's context theme.)

So, here is some Jackie Chan's action kung-fu for your viewing.
zimejums - Jackie Chan Kung-Fu Action fan art (digitali krasotais, 10 janv 2021)_web.jpg
zimejums - Jackie Chan Kung-Fu Action fan art (digitali krasotais, 10 janv 2021)_web.jpg (241.48 KiB) Viewed 7696 times
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Post Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:56 am

Re: Intars' gallery

Ahahaha, that's fun! Yeah, conceptually it's very similar. Makes one assume that this is somehow reflected in the game?!
The style you're going for with the coloration is so fun, hehehe. Works out GREAT! :ob c:!
Here to help! :D
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Post Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:43 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

about game: well, you could say so to some degree that this boss and his level, kind of, stands out in the game from the rest. But then again, not that much, so who knows...

Next is another piece. As previously mentioned, its one of those "during study times" who got almost completed in one go back during studies but which i didn't managed to
get to full desired finished state due to university studies immediacies back then. So, this one piece i finished close to 90% already back in the Aug 2020 but only now, in Jan
2022 added truly final brushes and touches, so i can call it done as i see it. So there you have it, verve forum folks, some ninja painting for your daily moment of internet fun.

"Ninja accidentally stumbled upon Xibalba entity"; with this one i went 100% only-verve, not even slightest minor contrast editing in Gimp. I am happy to leave it 'fully-verved'.
nindzja satiek Kshibalbas parstavi (15 aug 2020, pabeigts - 15 jan 2022)_web.jpg
nindzja satiek Kshibalbas parstavi (15 aug 2020, pabeigts - 15 jan 2022)_web.jpg (177.28 KiB) Viewed 7668 times
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Post Sun Jan 23, 2022 12:49 am

Re: Intars' gallery

those hands are truly surreal
System: Intel Core i7-13700K, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080 16GB, CORSAIR Vengeance DDR5 32GB, Windows 11
Verve Wishlist:
-LSH color pallete
-Brightness Knob
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Post Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:35 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

A little bit breaking today my planned scheme of upbringing in here some key 'older'/my previous verve-painter works during my long absence previously described.
Today i bring some new, just freshly made goodies for all to watch: as a warm up to drawing session i picked up one of Taron's great old verve tutorials, and while
watching some of his explanatory moves and intermediate demo results, i felt strongly stimulated and warmed-up to quickly branch-off some drawings of my own accord.

I finally got focused enough attention on this (color) oscillation feature! What a great feature indeed :o Here in my new doodles i used it very minimalistic, carefully also.
Enjoy the drawings, folks; hope they entertain and delight you in some way.
(Video that i mention is Taron's Verve v0.99t.06 feature demo-video on Youtube)
verve-paintings - surreal environment and something cosmic (web).jpg
verve-paintings - surreal environment and something cosmic (web).jpg (163.69 KiB) Viewed 6846 times
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Post Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:49 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

In mentioned video, around 12th min, Taron's painting in progress made me think / envision some massive sea water scenery with massive water dynamics, water
slide or sort of a slopped waterfall. So i decided to take this sudden projection and push it towards quick verve-painting, and here you see it below, the first one.
Second drawing just happened to be created after the first one without any apparent reason.
verve-paintings - surreal water catastrophe and something comical (web).jpg
verve-paintings - surreal water catastrophe and something comical (web).jpg (179.76 KiB) Viewed 6844 times
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Post Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:53 pm

Re: Intars' gallery

Hehehe, totally! That's definitely very effective! c:!
By the way, you made me watch the video again, too :hihi: ...and it reminded me of the excitement back then and how relaxed and cool I kept adding things to Verve. Really some wonderful days. If all goes well, this should happen again eventually and wildly exciting times shall return! :D
Here to help! :D
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