Oh, man.

First of all, I'm so sorry about all these losses and especially those cartoonists. But what I'm most worried about is how the propaganda machine succeeds in creating this coming war. While people are made to believe this was about religions clashing again, it really is nothing but the fight of two systems. I'm quite certain it is the leadership of "western" societies that wants to swat two flies with one strike: Unify the trade-/financial system and fuel another big war with plenty of casualties and a resulting submissive populous, further pushed into believing in even tighter scarcity, probably.
I very much believe that all of this is "staged" or- at the very least- instigated by our own leadership to continue this development of hatred and fear against Islam. At the same time it creates that expectation for Islamic societies of hatred from western people, equally producing fear and anger.
I don't know, if anyone even cares to fight the true root of this by pushing on all fronts to clarify that religion has nothing to do with this, that belief has nothing to do with this, but that those are merely used to create a pretext for the real agenda.
Dark, dark times are ahead and we should do our very best to bring as much light as we can with what we do!
Hm, I should add that I hope to be very, very wrong about all this, of course.