No need to fight yourself. Just allow your desire to guide you! You have understood so much already and- above all- your natural talent provides you with the right senses. You're like the inverse of me, haha, because you go for entire paintings right away, starting broadly, which is the perfect way to go. Even now I tend to focus on details by nature, rendering out subjects and even elements, rather neglecting the whole. I have trained myself to go the other way, but never quite absorbed it into my intuition. You already have that and you could go into any of your paintings again and begin adding finer layers of detail if you wanted to.

If you wanted to know all the shortcuts, there is a bit of a manual here on the forum:
ManualI'm assuming you've seen that already, but hey... just in case.

To me the most important keys to have under your fingers are:
[Shift] : smudge
[w] : toggle pressure on size
[e]: toggle pressure on opacity
[c]: color wheel widget
[Alt]: picking colors of course
[Shift]+[c]: color swatches
[m] toggle through paint modes (
> build-up,
+ additive,
* multiply,
= absolute built-up amount )
[x]: switch between primary and secondary color
[Shift]+[b] switch between primary and secondary build-up amounts (just like [x] for color)
[b]: build-up dial widget
[i]: to make brush images
And of course the numbers for the brushes.
In the version I'm working on right now (1.0) I have already added a bunch of functionality that goes well beyond the current release version. But all this will be revealed in time.

Anyway, you are creating beautiful paintings right away. And if you ever have any questions, never hold back and just ask!