Everybody's First Doodle

Showcase your Verve Art to all ages!

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Post Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:22 am

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

Collineesh wrote:Maybe I've been watching/reading too much Lord of the Rings lately...but either way here is my first real try at painting with Verve. The program is definitely going to take a while to get used to, but man is it fun! I love all the different textures I can get with just a few brushes. :)

Collineesh, that's awesome! It looks like a ton of fun, too! (talking about the forest, of course! Wish I would've seen it earlier, haha) :lol:
This is great! I think, once you get completely comfortable with Verve you'll be unstoppable! 8-) ...I'm going to spend some more time in your forest now! :geek:
Here to help! :D
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Post Fri Apr 04, 2014 1:59 pm

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

Hi Taron,

My kids are budding artists and I've been showing them Verve in action. I personally don't mind "artistic exhibitions," but you would not want to alienate any potential users.

Since your software is growing in popularity, it might be wise to make an "18+" section!

That way, even children could feel comfortable exploring with Verve.

The added advantage of an "18+" section would be that artists could have a place to share the most explicit and bloody/gory concepts freely - and the viewers there would expect it.

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Post Fri Apr 04, 2014 2:37 pm

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

Agreed, as you know already! I'll make a subforum for it, not sure how I can "protect" it, but yeah...at least it's going to be labeled properly.
Thanks for pushing the matter a bit, too! ;)
However, if it's tasteful nudity that doesn't feature specific regions of the human body, as we just saw, before I moved it, I don't mind at all. Nobody should be worried about seeing that. Only when it gets a bit into a "hardcore" region, that is inappropriate for this part of the forum, I agree completely.
So, nobody should feel restricted, but should accept some direction and have some respect for everyone else! 8-)
Here to help! :D
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Post Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:37 pm

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

I agree with you Taron, and thank you very much!

Common sense and taste should be the ruling measure here of course,
An artist should never be restricted in creativity, but the delineation between "art" and "pornography" is so very subjective amongst different parts of society.
I was raised by 'liberal' parents, (ironically) within a 'strict' religion. eh...

There may be a definite added value in your creation of a special section - in that many artists that may be apprehensive to show their works or express certain topics might now have a 'safe harbor' - (within reason of course.)

I became an artist long before my kids came along, and I appreciate "fine art" :twisted: as much as the next person... but oh how raising kids affects one's nature.

Well, aside from me feeling a little awkward for raising the issue, I must say, for you, as a software developer, to listen to, and consider the ideas of his users exhibits a great admirable quality! ;)
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Post Fri Apr 04, 2014 7:16 pm

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

This kind of accidentally turned into a portrait, so I went with it. Probably my first painting in a decade. No model and mouse only, obviously -- I could never get his left eye looking right and then I had too much paint piled up there...

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Post Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:00 pm

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

Mouse? That's quite fantastic and you're bold color choice is very enjoyable...straight up complimentary, no compromises, hehe, that's excellent!
If paint builds up too much you can always erase a bit and then use "average" [Ctrl]+[Shift] while painting to flatten the paint area! It can be a little tricky, but it works. Then turn down BUILD-UP in the brush interface all the way to 0, that way it won't add more paint anymore! Very powerful little feature. :D

Anyway, that's proper good stuff for the first paint in 10 years? Really time for you to continue now! You have what it takes, that's obvious! 8-)
Here to help! :D
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Post Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:16 pm

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

First of all, Taron. I love Verve with a passion, it is absolutely amazing. As a programmer with almost no grasp of how to draw perspective and having never picked up a paint brush in my life (Though not for lack of wanting to). I can express my thoughts and ideas in verve almost intuitively, with a mouse! I've made a couple half finished paintings (can I call them that?), but this was the first. It took about an hour, and I think I'l finish fleshing out the planet and coloring the mushroom cloud tonight or tomorrow :D

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Post Sat Apr 05, 2014 12:59 am

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

It's odd, but what you've said and what you are showing here makes me feel so proud, thank you very, very much, Lost Shadow! It seems impossible to be true that you've never picked up a paint brush?!? :shock:
How ever you've managed to suppress that, the cat's out of the bag now! :D ...looking forward to your own gallery thread! 8-)
Here to help! :D
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Post Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:08 am

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

In honor of brush #8 working for me in 99o: I call it Bubble Gum Menace

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Post Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:08 am

Re: Everybody's First Doodle

Is there like a Kandinski flourish in there? It's actually a very enjoyable painting, Fuchsia! Welcome aboard! I still gotta work out the kinks in 8, but yeah...thanks for powering through! :lol:
Here to help! :D
System Info: Mac mini, Apple M1, 8 Gb, Sonoma 14.5 - secondary: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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