Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

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Post Sun May 12, 2019 1:11 pm

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Hey, that's GREAT! :D
...yeah, I've even done it already, the multitouch fun and it works just fine. I may bring it into a future version, why not. Intel cards are rather slow, especially the HD4000 was underwhelming to me, but the newer models appear to perform well enough.
Thanks for sharing!!! :ob and greetings to your daughter! c:!
Here to help! :D
System Info: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Sun May 12, 2019 4:39 pm

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Thats great ! This build was available somewhere ? I suspect it comes with its own problems ?
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Post Sun May 12, 2019 5:21 pm

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Oh, no, I had never released it here, but I did make a proprietary version for museum installations in the States, which only work with touch screens/laser screens. Amazingly, it actually doesn't have any "problems", so to say. Took me a brief moment to figure out the ideal implementation, but it wasn't so tough. Thing is, brushes had to become independent entities, with all required parameters in their own class. Then it was only about getting the touch inputs sorted and assigned to their respective brush. Thing is, this way you cannot really have any "pressure" based control, of course. This makes it a bit more like a gimmick than a really useful tool. I am, however, still thinking of ways to make it more interesting. This is about imagining what situation might ask for this kind of interaction. HOWEVER, this is not a topic for this thread, of course... maybe I will move it to another topic, but well... it's a good topic for sure! :ob ...fun stuff! :)
Here to help! :D
System Info: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Thu May 23, 2019 9:30 am

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Hi Taron,

Thank you for the epic innovation and effort on Verve Painter.

I'm about to do an ArtStation challenge and will be using Verve as much as my ancient laptop will allow.
At default resolution I have no issue with performance if I use low to moderate settings, but with hirez or/and high fluidity things slow down.
I'm actually learning to appreciate lag as it forces me to slow down, and plan out each paint strokes - quite zen actually ( the dao of lag ;).

Here are the specs on the card:

AMD Radeon HD 6520G
(Samsung Laptop A6-3420M APU)

Thanks again
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Post Thu May 23, 2019 12:01 pm

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Hi Empower and Welcome to the forum!!! :beer:
Thanks a lot for the message and info! When Verve runs on a laptop, I'm always amazed, hahaha! I probably shouldn't say that out loud, haha. :oops: :hihi:
But, yeah, highres is always a bit scary as Verve is running complex fluid dynamics on 32 bits per channel buffers along with 16 bit support buffers, essentially making a single layer work on at least 5x32 bit channels and 2x16 bit. It's as if you would paint in photoshop on 14 layers at once. If you go to a resolution of 3k, for example, you would push around 126 million pixels at once. And it's not like you just change their position, oh no, they do fairly complex calculations, once you turn the fluids on, which use these layers as parameters to compute sets of formulas, making your poor GPU do billions of math operations for each frame in time. It's daunting to think about it, really.
If you turn on the "high speed" function, it does away with any sync waiting and shows you the maximum speed possible on any given graphics card. But this only then has any noteworthy effect, if the card can work faster than the sync speed. It's also a brave thing to do, as this can turn a machine into a radiator. Good to do that in the wintertime, hahaha! :ud: ...but, yeah.

What resolution are you working in?
Here to help! :D
System Info: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
Taron.de | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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Post Fri May 24, 2019 1:17 am

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Hi Taron!

I purchased a new computer and monitors last September specifically to use with Photoshop. The GPU is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB. I have two monitors running; the one I put Verve up on is a 32-inch 4K, the Asus ProArt PA328Q. I'm not having any problem with lag (fingers crossed).

The ProArt is a super monitor for making digital art. The only problem (unrelated to Verve) is that I have to manually reload an earlier NVIDIA driver every time the newest driver is automatically uploaded because the recent drivers cause the monitor to not reawaken from sleep (a known problem which NVIDIA claims it fixed months ago).

Thanks for Verve! Looking forward to you putting it on the market and seeing a profit for all your hard work! :)

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Post Fri May 24, 2019 1:38 am

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Thanks a lot, Sue, that's GREAT! :hyper:
...well, except the silly driver problem, that's not so great, haha... :geek: ...but, yeah, enough wonderful things to read! :ob

I will resume programming more on Verve again in a moment and will try to monetize it as best I can get myself to. In my heart I just don't want anyone to miss out on it, but if I don't keep myself and my family alive, that's no use either. Thus I will try my best to find the healthiest way of making it all happen. Most certainly maintaining a free version, but somehow making an attractive commercial alternative/addition or the likes. We shall find out, when all goes well! :)

Welcome to the forum, by the way! :hug:
Here to help! :D
System Info: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
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Post Fri May 31, 2019 9:45 am

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Hi Taron,

I'm working on 1280 x 720 resolution on my 6 year old samsung laptop. It's plenty for doing sketching and first drafts, but I do need an upgrade unless you can put verve on the cloud? I hear new nvidia rtx + amazon servers are making a splash.

I'm learning to code, unity c# - which language are you using for the verve, c++? I also hear Julia language is very good at high performance computing ('Makie' package does openGL).

p.s 'Patreon' would be helpful for supporting the development? How far off is V1 out of interest? A simple tutorial playlist and slighly improved ui/ux hints would boost Verves popularity for sure. Happy to help by the way.
+ the grid is genius!

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Post Fri May 31, 2019 10:44 am

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Hey Mark,
as I mentioned before, it always surprises me, when Verve runs on a laptop. :? :hihi: But how would...ooooooohhhh, no, you can't mean "running Verve on the cloud", do you?!? I absolutely can't imagine that this could work, can it? I mean, the volume of data would be a bit wicked in real time, no?! But it does sound very fascinating, if I understood this properly?!
Oh, Verve is still a kind of overgrown sandbox I started in BlitzMax back in the day. I still am considering doing C++, but the whole runtime library stuff freaks me out for some reason. There are a number of experiences I yet have to make. It is, however, still my ultimate plan to migrate to a more commercial development platform.
As for Patreon or Kickstarter or the likes, I think, I rather try to wrap up a commercial version and go the regular, traditional route with the company my wife has started for a software we are developing together. We are boldly and bravely running into this adventure on our last leg, so to say, but we're having faith in what we're creating and that somehow all that we're giving will bring balance back to us, too.
However, tutorial playlist and some ui improvements are certainly the right call! :beer: ...right after Verve's next growth-spurt I shall be on the videos!!! :ugeek: :hyper:

Thanks again & Cheers,
Here to help! :D
System Info: AMD Radeon RX Vega 10, AMD Ryzen 7 (2.3 Ghz), Windows 11
Taron.de | Twitter | Pinterest | YouTube

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Post Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:48 am

Re: Everyone, what Graphics Card are you using?

Hi my card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 with 4096 MB of memory my OS is Win 7 on a desktop.Loving your program

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