...holy c..r...oh my, Russtiel, that's breath-taking!

I'm over the moon, man, this is outstanding, your paintings are gorgeous. Your article is just wonderful, too. It's silly just how proud you're making me right now. Thank you, really, thank you very much!

The interface will have to grow very soon, but I'll try to keep it as direct as I can and will try to maintain the front face of it as sufficient as possible to avoid the "need" to crawl through deeper features. But hopefully it will inspire people to explore the greater depth of what will become possible. Of course, this stuff gets quite a bit more challenging to write and to stay on top of things the bigger it gets, but I'll try to go at it with real pleasure and keep up the passion it takes to give my very best.
And artists like you make this a whole lot easier!!!

...man I love your work!
If you have any wishes, don't ever hold back, of course! I'll try to keep it all mind as I go along.