Find a little moment each day to make a sketch! It doesn't have to take long, but if you have the time, don't worry to take it! :D

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Post Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:35 pm


Great topics, bengarrr! They'll be in the queue! :D
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Post Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:33 am


What about an X-MAS/WINTER Graphic? ;) The time is going fast :ob
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Post Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:26 am


You have a thing for Christmas, don't you, Zero?! :D's September, pull yourself together! :lol:
First there will come Halloween, then Thanksgiving and then we can start to think about Christmas topics, hehehe. :ugeek: ;)
We should definitely hook up some new topics, though. I'm just so busy and jim, VirtueOne and tama all seem to have become too busy as well?! Ah well... :shrug:
Here to help! :D
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Post Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:39 am


I am thinking about new topic but not sure how to grip it. In my mind flying two ideas..

The first one, do you know this: "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary.." :) Yes, it is the beginning from the dark poem The Raven.
Maybe some inspirations can be found here: ... 0&bih=1075 but of course your own style is prefered :)

2. There is a czech dark poem - The wedding shirt. It tells the story about a girl who calls for her boyfriend. He comes but something is little different.. ... hp?p=53965
The links mentioned on the web page don´t work but I have the great short animated movie at home. I will try to upload it somewhere and share. It is definitely good to see..

I suggest to create short or more sophisticated picture(s) based on these poems 8-)
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Post Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:01 am


Uh, I like that idea a lot! Hmmm...we have to post the topic with the verse in question, of course, or the whole poem, if that's the idea!
I really dig it, great call, Lemi! :ob
Here to help! :D
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Post Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:13 am


Star Gazing!!! I L-O-V-E Star Gazing photos! I have an entire folder full of photos as my desktop wallpapers right now. They're awesome.
Desktop: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti @4GB, Intel Core i7-7700K, 4.20GHz, 16 GB, Win 10
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Drawing tablet: Huion KAMVAS Pro 13 GT-133 Drawing Monitor w/Tilt Function
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Post Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:59 am


You mean something like this:
Sketch Topic #0017:"The Universe"

Basically Hubble telescope pictures of the universe or is it something different? If it is, why don't you just add one or two small pictures to clarify?! :)
Here to help! :D
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