Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Find a little moment each day to make a sketch! It doesn't have to take long, but if you have the time, don't worry to take it! :D

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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:45 pm

Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

TOPIC of TODAY: "Adventures at Sea!" by Mike K4ICY

OTHER THAN THAT: Mainly use Verve, please! :lol:

I know, this is really a leap in ambition for a topic, but I believe we can pull it off! Don't forget to push each other to join in! ;)
Here to help! :D
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:38 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Here'a mine. :)

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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:49 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Shark in a swimming pool? (shivers) :o ...or is that a dolphin. :mrgreen:

Awesome surface effect.

I just reminded myself of a work of art that when I was four was the most frightening thing I ever beheld.
It wasn't a painting, but in this friend of my parent's living room hung a large semi-3D image composed of thin gold threads inter-woven around these small sticks on a pitch black velvet canvas. It was some type of night scene from a dock where galleons were coming to port. Each halyard was carefully incorporated in pristine order. The depth in composition and the portrayal of the deep and dark unknowns of the sea were enough to nearly frighten the wits out of any lad. Evil incarnate.

No... I will have to paint something else! :shock:
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:11 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Noooo, NNnnnooooooo, PAINT THAT, MIKE! :o :lol: ...pleeeease! :D

Katilaie, that's GREAT! It's really spooky, actually, considering that it feels like somebody is about to jump into the water from those docks, or what that might be?! This is certainly a shark. I love your water surface, too... very convincing! Really great job altogether!
Here to help! :D
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:40 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Ok, here's mine.... I thought the idea to make something SPOOKY was great, Mike! Thanks! :D :twisted:
I did something interesting. The bottom layer is the sky and the sea, of course, but it was rather thick so that no canvas was showing through. At the very end I took brush #1 at low opacity and no fluidity to carefully erase the material with a screen sized brush size just so the canvas would poke through again. Thought that was neat.
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:45 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Whoa, very lovely.
Taron the quality of your work is incredibly high.
Mine is gone in verve crashing Nirvana.
It would be very lovely to have a warning if one exceeds the maximum possible canvas size.
Or getting back the defaults, which were always safe?
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:52 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Oooh that's goooood! 8-)
Wow... going to be hard to top it. ;)
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:03 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Thanks! :D
Argh, Knacki, sorry about that. I STILL need to hook up the error checking to avoid such troubles. :oops:
On the other hand, I'm planning on working out an alternative that actually would be able to handle any resolution. Either way, I'm sorry, man. :(
Here to help! :D
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:13 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Taron wrote:Katilaie, that's GREAT! It's really spooky, actually, considering that it feels like somebody is about to jump into the water from those docks, or what that might be?! This is certainly a shark. I love your water surface, too... very convincing! Really great job altogether!

Thanks. :) Those aren't docks. They're just underwater rock formations with moss and seaweed.

BTW Your piece is AMAZING, Taron. I envy your skills. :)
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Post Thu Jun 26, 2014 9:24 pm

Re: Sketch #000012 - "Adventures at Sea!"

Thank you, k! :oops: :D
No need, though, but I hope you find inspiration in it! I'm inspired by all of you, too!
Docks, Rocks...same difference! ;)
Here to help! :D
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